Business Funding

Written by Monte Zwang

Continued from page 1

Landlords can be a source of financing. It is not uncommon for a landlord to contribute dollars or rent concessions torepparttar development of a tenant’s space. For this loan,repparttar 103652 landlord may require a Percentage of Gross Sales Clause inrepparttar 103653 lease as repayment. Extended vendor terms for purchase of product may provide short-term operating capital loans.

Inrepparttar 103654 event that additional credit strength is required, loan guarantors or borrowing someone’s credit may helprepparttar 103655 borrower qualify for less expensive financing. Be flexible. Your final package may be comprised of several lending solutions

PRESENT A CLEAR AND UNDERSTANDABLE PROPOSAL Lenders need to know who you are personally, professionally and financially. The lender needs to evaluate Income Tax returns (Corporate and Personal), financial statements (income statement and balance sheet) and a cash flow projection. The balance sheet has to look a specific way. The Current Ratio should be at least 1:1, andrepparttar 103656 Debt to Equity Ratio should be at least 4:1. Be specific as to howrepparttar 103657 money is going to be used and how it will be paid back. Lenders want to know what is securing their debt. Lenders evaluaterepparttar 103658 quality ofrepparttar 103659 collateral, and want to insure that it is adequate to securerepparttar 103660 debt in case of default. A secondary source of repayment is required prior to granting standard financing. The personal guarantee ofrepparttar 103661 borrower is often required. In some situations, a lender may seek secondary collateral. Secondary collateral is simply some other asset in which you have equity or ownership, i.e. equipment, property, inventory, notes. Business funding is not difficult ifrepparttar 103662 borrower is creative and realistic. Know how much money you need and how you are going to use it. Be prepared to defend your needs and anticipaterepparttar 103663 lender’s questions. Inrepparttar 103664 event that a lender cannot grant your request, perhaps it isrepparttar 103665 way a loan is packaged. Find a lender who is willing to make recommendations that will help you find financing. A good lender will tell you quickly if they can help you or not. If an intelligent and organized package is presented, a timely response is warranted

–Written by Monte Zwang of Steele Development Corporation, a consulting firm specializing in business development and financial strategies. You can reach Steele Development by calling 206.878.9666 or online at

Managing Your Business' Cash Flow

Written by Monte Zwang

Continued from page 1

Forecast your payroll. List your current and anticipated employees and categorize them as Cost of Sales labor or Overhead labor. Cost of Sales labor may be projected in part by a target labor cost percentage. Estimate payroll expense per employee (average hours worked, rate of pay) overrepparttar next twelve months. Evaluate Your Profitability With monthly sales and expenses projected, business profitability, feasibility and value can be determined. Total Sales minus Total Cost of Sales Expenses (including Cost of Sales payroll) minus Total Overhead Expenses (including Overhead payroll) equals Monthly Cash Reserve. This is also your profitability. Is there any money left?

What debt are you servicing? Evaluate this debt separately from your profitability. Debt takes many forms including notes, loans, credit cards, leases, and lines of credit. When businesses must restructure their debt in order to improve cash flow, lenders expectrepparttar 103651 business’s Balance Sheet to look a certain way in order to qualify for financing.

So, What’s Next? Once this working budget is assembled, a break-even sales volume can be determined that generates enough profit to cover debt load and have no cash loss. Your cash flow objectives are now clarified and strategies can be implemented. Any issues that caused a cash flow problem will now be corrected. With your Cash Flow mapped out, you haverepparttar 103652 beginning of control.

Cash Flow Planning brings financial stability to a business through pro-active budgeting, monitoring and adjustments. You will understand where you are today and what your options and priorities are. You will be able to forecast your cash needs and gain control of your business. Withrepparttar 103653 use of a Cash Flow, your business will have more money and a road map forrepparttar 103654 future.

–Written by Monte Zwang of Steele Development Corporation, a consulting firm specializing in business development and financial strategies. You can reach Steele Development by calling 206.878.9666 or online at

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