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Bush and Cheney have also stated that a Democrat would not be able to defend
country as well as a Republican would. To that, all I have to say is Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Some other Republicans started
Swift Boat ads and continued to smear Kerry’s name even though none of
men claiming he lied on his reports actually served under Kerry during
Vietnam years.
Bush has also stated that Kerry is a “flip flopper” on issues. His reasoning for this is
Vietnam War,
No Child Left Behind Act and
Iraq War. All of these issues are very controversial. John Kerry did go to Vietnam, but he did it in order to serve
country as many other young men and women did. He came back and protested because he saw how wrong
war was… as many other young men and women did.
The No Child Left Behind Act is
same way. Many people supported this before it got settled in, now they oppose it. The bill was set up to look like it would help American schools by giving them money, but in fact none of
needed funds were given to
schools and many of them ended up closing.
As for
Iraq War… very controversial. Bush stated that Iraq was seeking Uranium for nuclear weapons, they weren’t. Bush stated that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, they didn’t. So after
USA finds these statements false, who wouldn’t change their mind besides
I wish there was a different candidate who had a legitimate chance to win, but there isn’t. We must now ask ourselves which candidate will fulfill his duties and protect
United States, better
economy and help schools. Will Bush do these things? Perhaps, but most likely? No. Will John Kerry? Yes.

Gary is a writer and web designer for Break Up Poems and Articles