Bush's Brain is LeakingWritten by Scott C. Smith
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This again from CNN, February 11, 2004: “Bush said he has told his administration to cooperate fully with investigation and asked anyone with knowledge of case to come forward.” Which brings up something else about Karl Rove. If he learned identity of Valerie Plame from Robert Novak in 2003, why didn’t he tell his boss about it in 2004? After all, Bush was asking “anyone” with knowledge of case to come forward. Did Rove come forward? If he did, why would Bush say identity of leaker, or at least identity of someone involved, was not known? Possibly because White House has not asked Rove any questions about case, and administration continues to not ask questions of Rove. You’d think in light of all information that has been reported, someone in Bush administration would be trying to get to bottom of things. Rove, being a master of politics, obviously would not volunteer to Bush what he knew. In laymen’s terms, Rove had engaged in operation CYA. I’m trying to imagine what reaction would have been if, say, James Carville in 1990s did same thing during Clinton presidency. Republicans would obviously be calling for Clinton to terminate Carville’s employment. But now, when it’s one of their own, Republicans will do all they can to make sure nothing happens to Karl Rove. Which is an application of situational ethics, something conservatives claim not to do. They only want to get to bottom of truth in cases involving Democrats. No surprises there.
About the author: Scott C. Smith is a Beaverton, Oregon freelance writer and columnist for Counterbias dot com. Scott also writes for his blog, "What’s In Scott’s Head," at Scott C. Smith dot net. Scott’s columns have also appeared at the liberal web sites Democratic Underground and The Smirking Chimp
| | National ID cards have more than Australians concernedWritten by Kenn Gividen (HillarysVillage.com)
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Called "Building a North American Community," plan calls for a "community" (rather than "union") of nations. It also mandates that national borders be replaced with "common perimeters". Those who believe Americans would never agree to such a blantant abandon of national sovereignty will be surprised to know that conversative Republican George W. Bush has already agreed to plan. Along with Mexican president Vincent Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, Bush committed government to CFR plan on March 23, 2005. That, you will remember, is that date that Bush, Fox and Martin met at Bush's ranch and at Waco, Texas. What a plan! In addition to effectively erasing national borders, plan calls for American taxpayers to provide following: • "Long-term loans in pesos" to shore up Mexico's economy • A North American Investment Fund to send U.S. private capital to Mexico. • A "permanent tribunal [ie, court] for North American dispute resolution." (And you thought Supreme Court's decisions were painful.) • "Social Security Totalization Agreement negotiated between United States and Mexico." That is, illegal immigrants living in United States and will benefit from Social Security system, a virtual guarantee of its collapse. • A fund to finance 60,000 Mexican students to study in U.S. colleges. The move in Australia to impose a national ID system on that nation's citizens will get little press attention in America, Europe or elsewhere. But once affected and proven effective, Australia's national ID program will be one more step toward internationalism, demise of national sovereignty and an end to personal liberty. And it's all sold as an antidote for terrorism.