Burn out...and how to avoid it...

Written by Coni Cecil

Continued from page 1

Life is short. It's meant to be lived. You are meant to love and be loved.

So get over it and start enjoying yourself.

For Goodness Sake. No one else can do it for you. No one else can make your choices in life. So quit acting like a spoiled brat and start using your talents.

Quit feeling like you are less than superior, because you aren't. Quit saying "I just can't do what I want", because you can. Quit relying on other people for your happiness.

Come on! Common sense here Ladies and Gentlemen. Nothing miraculous or unexpected. Just hard-earned wisdom.

Once and for all, make your dreams a reality. You know you can! Other people know you can! You will if it is important enough to you and your future.

Coni Cecil Always planning forrepparttar Future, but desperately trying to LIVE inrepparttar 130922 present. Oh, and avoiding "Burn Out" whenever possible. http://www.cecilfreedom.com Instant info: mailto:freedom@leadlightning.com

© Copyright 2003 Coni Cecil All rights reserved.

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You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long asrepparttar 130923 author links are included.

Coni Cecil is an Internet Marketer, with a passion for Freedom, and a belief that all dreams can come true. http://www.cecilfreedom.com http://www.conicecil.com mailto:cecil@cecilfreedom.com

ABCs for High Achievers

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

N egotiate with others so that everyone wins.

O penrepparttar eyes of your spirit, and seerepparttar 130921 good in others and in life.

P racticerepparttar 130922 skills needed to propel you torepparttar 130923 level of excellence.

Q uestion things you may need to remove, and increase energy by living in a stress-free environment.

R ecognize favorable circumstances, ride each wave with courage, and rest to renew your energy.

S tand firm on your commitment to excellence. Seek outrepparttar 130924 people and information that can help you succeed.

T hank God for all blessings, take control of your time, and tackle each problem with integrity.

U ncover your talents, unleash your creative spirit, and unite with God's purpose for your life.

V isualize your objectives as already achieved, and give thanks for their attainment.

W ake up to each new day of adventure, and wash out negative thoughts with positive prayers.

X cel by examining your results daily, and making adjustments in your actions as needed.

Y ield to your purpose and values, living each day withrepparttar 130925 faith and knowledge that you were created as a unique and valuable person.

Z ero in on your targets, and move toward them with desire, dedication, commitment, and faith.

© Copyright by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve coaches people to help them revitalize their inner spark, access their natural talents, and design strategies to reach their personal and career goals. Get Steve's motivational and inspirational mini-zine, Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, by visiting http://www.AchieveEzine.com

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