Buried Under a Mountain of Spam

Written by Michael Southon

Continued from page 1

But in your browser just click on 'View Source Code' and search forrepparttar letters 'http'. That will take you torepparttar 132781 spammer's affiliate link.

(2) Reporting to Web Hosts

Ifrepparttar 132782 spam doesn't contain an affiliate link, its likely that it is coming fromrepparttar 132783 owner ofrepparttar 132784 domain name. In that case you'll have to report it torepparttar 132785 spammer's web host or their ISP.

To make a report torepparttar 132786 spammer's web host just go to Whois,repparttar 132787 directory of registered domain names: http://www.netsol.com/cgi-bin/whois/whois

Type inrepparttar 132788 spammer's domain (the website address that appears inrepparttar 132789 spam) together withrepparttar 132790 extension (.com, .org, .net etc).

The host for that domain will usually be listed asrepparttar 132791 Technical Contact inrepparttar 132792 Whois record and there will be an email address for contacting them.

(3) Reporting to ISPs

To report a spammer to his Internet Service Provider, you'll have to look atrepparttar 132793 spam's 'extended headers'.

Extended headers showrepparttar 132794 servers thatrepparttar 132795 message passed through in order to get to you. The instructions for viewing extended headers will vary depending on what email client you are using.

=> In Pegasus Mail, openrepparttar 132796 offending message and then right-click and choose 'Show raw message data'.

=> In Eudora Light, click on 'Tools' inrepparttar 132797 top menu bar, and then 'Options', and then selectrepparttar 132798 checkbox option that says 'Show all headers (evenrepparttar 132799 ugly ones)' and click OK.

=> In Outlook Express, openrepparttar 132800 offending message, select 'Properties' fromrepparttar 132801 File menu and then clickrepparttar 132802 'Details' tab.

Reading and understanding extended headers is quite a detailed subject. Here's an excellent free tutorial on how to decipher extended headers: http://www.doughnut.demon.co.uk/SpamTracking101.html

As an alternative to these reporting techniques, you could use a web-based spam reporting service such as SpamCop (www.spamcop.net). SpamCop deciphersrepparttar 132803 spam's message headers and tracesrepparttar 132804 mail back to its source.

However, SpamCop is known to generate complaints about innocent third parties, and as a result, many system administrators ignore complaints received from SpamCop.

There is one kind of spam thatrepparttar 132805 techniques in this article probably won't help you with: spam from China.

This isrepparttar 132806 most peculiar spam you're ever likely to receive. For example I regularly get messages from a certain ChenHua ofrepparttar 132807 China-Lutong mechanical company asking me if I would like to order hydraulic heads forrepparttar 132808 VE distributor pump.

Spam is not an issue in China so it's unlikely you would stoprepparttar 132809 spammer by reporting him to a 3rd party. However, while doingrepparttar 132810 research for this article I came across a web page that offers a very ingenious (though rather severe) solution to Chinese spam.

The Chinese government recently ordered all ISPs in China to start monitoring email for subversive phrases. This anti-spammer replies to Chinese spam with a message that includes subversive phrases, such as "weapons and ammunition", "Falung Gong" and "Free Tibet".

But I don't recommend you do this -repparttar 132811 Chinese spammer could end up spending years in a forced labor camp. Evenrepparttar 132812 worst spammer inrepparttar 132813 world doesn't deserve that.

Good luck in your fight against spam!

Michael Southon is the author of the popular new eBook 'Ezine Writer!' Discover how to dramatically increase your Traffic and Sales, starting today: http://www.ezine-writer.com/ Join his twice-monthly 'e-Profit Tips Newsletter': mailto:ept-subscribe@freezineweb.com

Good Spam or Bad Spam - What's the Difference?

Written by Sara Hardy

Continued from page 1

It is also highly possible that someone is having fun subscribing you to things. Never count that one out, it happens all ofrepparttar time.

GOOD vs BAD Personally, I would much rather get NO spam, however if I had to choose, I would have to go with good spam. Bad spam demonstrates thatrepparttar 132780 sender KNOWS what is NOT acceptable and went to all of this trouble and expense to hide behind this long trail of fake addresses. These are malicious acts, and down right dirty. Do they really think that what they are trying to sell in this manner is actually worth it? These arerepparttar 132781 people we should be upset with. These arerepparttar 132782 people that we need to be telling, "I'll get you my pretty, and your little server too!"

So, whether you agree or disagree, just try to keep in mind that -1. The whole world is not out to get you. -2. Not every piece of spam is sent withrepparttar 132783 same intent. And... -3. Asrepparttar 132784 world around us continues to change, we will be seeing more and more companies resorting to sending their junk mail through email rather thenrepparttar 132785 post office. (I think this is becoming a more desirable thing to us all, as it would be much safer, take less effort to get rid of, & is better forrepparttar 132786 environment.)

Now isrepparttar 132787 time to try to adjust our view and approachrepparttar 132788 issue with a level head. If we don't we will drive ourselves mad, and for what purpose? The changes in our world causerepparttar 132789 internet to change. Soon you probably will find yourself saying, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore".

Sara Hardy Publisher of The OnLine Exchange Ezine. We have been in circulation for over 3 years, with over 28,000 faithful subscribers. Go here to subscribe: http://marketingtrendz.com and start your FREE Membership to our Profit Zone, giving you unlimited access to FREE marketing tools, ebooks, resources and more!

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