Building skills in information marketing will boost your business

Written by Graham Jones

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar past year,repparttar 148530 Internet has gone from being just a source of referrals to my business, to beingrepparttar 148531 prime source of my business. Last year about 2% of my income came fromrepparttar 148532 Internet; now it's 95%. Andrepparttar 148533 switch has been because I deliver information online.

Many businesses, however, do not take advantage ofrepparttar 148534 huge consumer thirst for information. Instead, they just provide brochures and catalogues online. But what Internet users want isrepparttar 148535 information andrepparttar 148536 knowledge that exists within businesses.

So, to enhance your business and to ensure that your company succeeds online, make sure you provide information and knowledge-based products, such as ebooks and audio files. That way you'll be tapping intorepparttar 148537 consumer demand for information. You will be able to make money out of sellingrepparttar 148538 information you normally keep only for your customers. Withrepparttar 148539 Internet you can now sell that information to anyone.

Graham Jones is an Internet author, consultant and entrepreneur and is the lead speaker at Information Marketing 2005 (

TR Cutler, Inc. to Start National PR Affinity Program in August 2005

Written by Thomas Cutler

Continued from page 1

The 90-day campaign will drive traffic to a client's website, and increase product and company awareness, and quantify increased sales.

Most manufacturers companies have never conducted an aggressive public relations campaign," according to TR Cutler, president and CEO ofrepparttar firm. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, TR Cutler, Inc. now has 40 associates worldwide who strive to determine what is newsworthy inrepparttar 148529 manufacturing sector, draw media attention to manufacturers inrepparttar 148530 most favorable and truthful light, and provide case studies and feature profiles that help to illuminaterepparttar 148531 effectiveness ofrepparttar 148532 manufacturing sector in North America and worldwide.

The new TR Cutler, Inc. manufacturing affinity program was favorably profiled in PR Week on May 20, 2005: The print edition was included inrepparttar 148533 May 30, 2005 issue.

Thomas R. Cutler President & CEO TR Cutler, Inc. 954-486-7562/888-902-0300



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