Building a No Dig Garden

Written by Judy Williams

Continued from page 1

Add another thick layer of straw torepparttar garden 150mm (6 inches) and another layer of fertilizer and then top it off with a 100mm (4 inches) of compost.

Waterrepparttar 113379 garden until it's soaking and let it settle for a few days before planting.

Seedlings do better than seeds inrepparttar 113380 no dig garden.

Here's what will happen. The seedlings will get a kick start inrepparttar 113381 rich, compost top soil. The fertilizer underneath will startrepparttar 113382 'composting' ofrepparttar 113383 lucerne hay and straw. The composting will generate heat and biological activity that will really kick alongrepparttar 113384 seedling growth. The roots will further break downrepparttar 113385 straw and hay and it in turn will become solid enough to supportrepparttar 113386 growing plants.

The newsprint is thick enough to discourage weed growth throughrepparttar 113387 layers, but will deteriorate enough to allow earth worms to chew their way upwards.

Continue to layer mulch, straw and compost asrepparttar 113388 garden bed matures. Never dig this bed over, just layer more and more material as required. Rotate your crops and add fresh compost regularly.

Your garden bed will deliver consistent, spectacular results season after season.

Judy Williams ( is working hard to become a fulltime earth mother goddess. This site acts as a primer for all vegetable gardening aspects covering topics like how to build a garden, nurture seedlings, container gardening and composting.

Growing Vegetables in Containers - The compact solution

Written by Judy Williams

Continued from page 1

Container vegetables may need some additional fertilising due torepparttar extra watering. Nutrients will be washed away quicker in a container than inrepparttar 113378 ground. A diluted water soluble fertiliser isrepparttar 113379 best option to use regularly with vegetables.

There have been many varieties of vegetables that have been bred to grow in containers. They are generally referred to a 'dwarf' varieties for obvious reasons. A list of suggested varieties and container sizes may help with your selection. Check with your seed supplier onrepparttar 113380 varieties they recommend.

Having said that, there are many vegetable varieties that will do very well in containers. Tomatoes, lettuce, beets, carrots, cabbage, peas, beans, capsicums and peppers are all good choices. Cucumbers, cauliflower and broccoli will also do well as will virtually all herbs.

Crops like potatoes, corn, pumpkins and vine fruits generally need more room than a container can provide. Butrepparttar 113381 size of your containers andrepparttar 113382 varieties available to you will dictate what you grow. As with most gardening, trial and error is your best education.

Judy Williams ( is an avid organic gardener. No Dig Vegetable Gardens represents a clean, green way to grow your own food. The site covers all aspects of growing, cooking and preserving your harvest.

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