Building Shareholder Value Through Your People

Written by Martin Haworth

Continued from page 1

Your people buy better because they build great relationships with suppliers - so they getrepparttar best deals. Both sides win, sorepparttar 102942 relationship blossoms.

Great people in your organisation work hard to keep costs low, because they are enabled to do so. They have freedom to be creative. They get very focused onrepparttar 102943 'Does it create value?' question and work together, withrepparttar 102944 best results as their only goal.

With all this positive activity,repparttar 102945 organisation looks and feels strong to it's customers, suppliers and shareholders. With this and a great profit performance, confidence grows.

Shareholders enjoy great improvements inrepparttar 102946 value ofrepparttar 102947 growth inrepparttar 102948 price ofrepparttar 102949 shares they hold andrepparttar 102950 dividends they receive.

© 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, (Note to editors. Feel free to use this article, wherever you think it might be of value - with a live link if you can).

A New Approach To Site Promotion

Written by (c) 2005 by Andrew J. Morris

Continued from page 1

I'm offering my new partner space on that website to place an Adsense ad -- withrepparttar partner's Adsense account number.

This solves several problems at once. It doesn't cost me anything out-of-pocket (Google pays them!) Compensation is directly tied to results -- more visitors torepparttar 102941 site (the object of promotion)repparttar 102942 more clicks they will get on repparttar 102943 Adsense ads,repparttar 102944 morerepparttar 102945 partner earns.

The partner is highly motivated to do a good job,repparttar 102946 better they dorepparttar 102947 more they earn. I get traffic to my new site (of course it has to rely on something other than ads for revenue) atrepparttar 102948 cost of forgone advertising income.

The partner does not have to worry about not being paid, Google pays him, not me. I do have to worry aboutrepparttar 102949 partner not doing a fair share of work on promotion -- no promotion, no earnings, but no penalty either. So our agreement has to include an option for termination for non-performance.

But performance can be measured, and an acceptable level agreed upon fromrepparttar 102950 start. Traffic is not a good measure since a click-bot could be set up to generate useless traffic. But sales, memberships, or other criteria may be appropriate, depending onrepparttar 102951 nature ofrepparttar 102952 site.

I checked with Google and this does not conflict with their Adsense terms of use policy -- so long as ads from two different accounts do not appear onrepparttar 102953 same page (which leads to double-serving, and is against policy) I can even have my own Adsense ads elsewhere onrepparttar 102954 site.

Sorepparttar 102955 agreement withrepparttar 102956 partner may specify his/her ads appear only on certain pages withinrepparttar 102957 site. So long asrepparttar 102958 expected revenue is sufficient to compensate forrepparttar 102959 effort, everybody wins.

There are lots of variants on this idea that might be tried, depending on circumstances. Just be careful to abide byrepparttar 102960 Adsense terms of service agreement, be fair to all parties, and be creative.

To see this process in action (and even apply yourself if you read this in April 2005) see:

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