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If you don’t consider yourself a writer don’t worry, you don’t have to be. Get your article in best shape you possibly can and then have others, who you consider to be better at writing than you are, look it over. Make your edits and there you go.
How is writing articles efficient and effective? Well-written articles do take time to produce but as you write more you will get better and will find that it starts to take less and less time. This method offers several more benefits than linking method listed above. These are as follows:
* Articles are, in most cases, permanent additions to sites.
* Writing Articles demonstrates your knowledge of various industry related topics and this helps to build credibility.
* If users are interested enough to read your entire article then there’s a very good chance that they will click on your link to visit your site in hopes of learning more or even just out of curiosity.
* You are able to include several links with articles. You can have several links in resource box also known as bylines as well as in any ‘appropriate’ spots in article.
* You have ‘option’ of including your affiliate links in article if it includes information on that resource.
* You also get to add this content to your own website.
* If you include reprint information in bylines then others that read article, and feel it would be a valuable addition to their site, will add it and then it becomes almost viral. It spreads even though you are not doing a thing.
Link Building Summary Building link popularity is a vital part to your search engine ranking and should be approached in either of two methods listed above that you feel is more appropriate for your individual situation. The benefits from writing, however, far outweigh those of requesting reciprocal links in most situations. Hopefully this article has helped to shed some light on this and will encourage more knowledgeable people to start sharing their knowledge with others.
Alec Duncan is the founder of a Search Engine Optimization resource site. Visit Li'l Engine for search engine optimization tools and strategies and also check out Developer Tutorials for web development techniques and strategies.