Building Better Teams Through Executive Coaching

Written by Lucy Montgomery

Continued from page 1

While you may be aghast atrepparttar responses, you would be surprised at how many executives and corporate officers fall into at least one of these categories. I liken this scenario to parenthood. It is assumed that, if you’ve given birth to a child, you also know how to raise him/her. Inrepparttar 106041 corporate world, if you have been promoted to upper-management, it is assumed that you’ve been adequately trained forrepparttar 106042 position at some point along your career path. This is not alwaysrepparttar 106043 case.

While executive coaches help to instill communication skills, improve confidence and better equip officers and executives for their ever-changing roles, they also lend an ear. According to Leviss, “You’d simply be amazed atrepparttar 106044 depths of isolation there are atrepparttar 106045 executive level. The phrase ‘lonely atrepparttar 106046 top’ doesn’t even begin to approach how shut off upper-management can be. They are expected to know everything and need nothing. This is where executive coaches perform their most important duty… they lend an ear.”

Executive coaches also play a great role in offering encouragement and support to those in executive positions. While most employees have co-workers and supervisors to support them, officers are in a class by themselves. They arerepparttar 106047 stopping point…repparttar 106048 final destination. Coaches fillrepparttar 106049 gap.

Asrepparttar 106050 positive reports continue to role in fromrepparttar 106051 trenches, there is little doubt that executive coaches will continue to play a vital role in corporate life. In fact, many firms are now including executive coaching as part of officer and executive benefits packages. And why not? Ifrepparttar 106052 coaches’ strategy of “taking it fromrepparttar 106053 top” causes a chain reaction of greater teamwork and loyalty allrepparttar 106054 way down throughrepparttar 106055 ranks, it will offer a payoff well worthrepparttar 106056 cost ofrepparttar 106057 initial investment.


Why bother with customer centricity?

Written by Brian Vellmure

Continued from page 1

4. Technology

- Consolidate all customer related data into one repository - Integrate key front-office, back office, and web office systems to interact with each other - Choose leading technology with capable vendors to assist inrepparttar process

************************************************************************************************ To learn more about us, and how we can help you implement a Customer-Centric strategy, enabled byrepparttar 106040 world's leading Mid-Market CRM software, visit us at ************************************************************************************************

5. Training and Support

- Provide your staff with excellent training - Budget time and resources to make sure they are confident withrepparttar 106041 new system - Adjust compensation incentives to encourage use of new systems, and transition sales focus from new customer acquisition to retention

"Being customer centric focuses your business decision-making processes onrepparttar 106042 impact that those decisions will have on your customers. The real trick is makingrepparttar 106043 "right" decisions that result in a positive impact. In order to do that,repparttar 106044 organization needs to understand who its customers are, where they are going and how canrepparttar 106045 customer's needs be met. That type of understanding requires information, and information comes from data." says Kevin Murtha of Greenbrier & Russel's, in an article inrepparttar 106046 September, 2002 edition of DM Review.

It is essential for your company to be able to haverepparttar 106047 systems in place to be able to capture, analyze, and sharerepparttar 106048 information about your customers so that you can be more responsive to their needs, provide them with unparalelled service, and keep them as customers for life.

***************************************************************************************************** Initium Technology wants to help your organization become more customer centric. By establishingrepparttar 106049 proper strategy, accompanied by a succinct vision and comprehensive business planning, we can implementrepparttar 106050 best technology solutions onrepparttar 106051 market today to increaserepparttar 106052 value of your organization, and help you gain competitive advantage in today's challenging marketplace. *****************************************************************************************************

Please visit us at or call us Toll Free at 1.800.250.5732 to learn more.

Wishing you overwhelming success in 2003,

Brian Vellmure Initium Technology

Copyright 2003 Initium, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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Brian Vellmure is CEO and Founder of Initium Technology, a strategic technology consulting firm specializing in CRM, ERP, EAI, and custom Web and Portal Design. Mr. Vellmure has personally helped dozens of companies in a variety of industries properly formulate visionary strategies and strategically implement market leading technology to enable precise execution of the those strategies.

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