Build an Internet Store and sell your hobby!

Written by Bentley Thompson

Continued from page 1

The Best Web Promotion Tool

According to results, some 51% of sites built with this tool are amongrepparttar top 6% of most trafficked sites onrepparttar 117345 web! (You should sigh when you read that!)

Site BuildIt! hasrepparttar 117346 best web promotion tool I have ever seen. You can keep track of search engine activity and visitor activity at your site.

It helps me see which pages are visited most often, and whatrepparttar 117347 most popular keywords are. This means I can know exactly what people are looking for, and I can better meet their needs.

Once I create a page and userepparttar 117348 analysis tools to make sure that everything is fine, I let SBI handle allrepparttar 117349 submission and tracking. As soon as that page is listed onrepparttar 117350 major search engines, I can getrepparttar 117351 ranking information.

Allrepparttar 117352 help you need

Just in case this concept of creating your own internet store by yourself is a bit daunting, here is help for you.

You can take it step by step as outlined in this easy four part course by sending a blank email to

If you are already knowledgeable about building websites, internet marketing, and generating income fromrepparttar 117353 web, you may want to see why evenrepparttar 117354 very big net marketing gurus are interested in this product.

Take a quick tour: - and don't be amazed if you find yourself copying those "web kingpins" who use SBI to heap tons of traffic to their sites!

Bentley is the owner/creator of the Home Business Opportunities site He shares Net Marketing and home computing tips. He can be contacted at

Get More Customers – With Less Work!

Written by Jennifer Tripp

Continued from page 1

7. Offer multiple products. Offering products at different price points and to different segments of your target market increases your chances of making a sale. If you only have one product of your own to sell, look into affiliate programs as another income stream.

8. Upsell atrepparttar time of checkout. Once a customer has maderepparttar 117344 decision to buy from you, you’ve already donerepparttar 117345 hardest part. Before they leave you should encourage them to increaserepparttar 117346 size of their order, this is known as “upselling”. To do this effectively, recommend products that complement what they’ve already decided to purchase.

9. Follow up on every inquiry you get. Excellent customer service is something that is unfortunately lacking onrepparttar 117347 Internet. Do yourself a favor and make it a priority to respond to all inquiries byrepparttar 117348 end ofrepparttar 117349 day. If you’re getting too many to make this possible consider ways you can take off some ofrepparttar 117350 strain. Are there questions that alot of customers have? If so, include them on your FAQ page. Are there processes you can automate so you don't have to be contacted such as unsubscribing from your newsletter? If all else fails consider hiring someone to help you answer your inquiries.

10. Makerepparttar 117351 order process as easy as possible. Abandoned shopping carts is a problem that continues to plague online businesses. The reasons for this include: a cumbersome order process that involves too many steps, asking for too much information (you really don’t need to know they’re shoe size) and additional fees being added on that weren’t mentioned upfront. On many websites they never even mentionrepparttar 117352 product price or shipping costs until you’re half way throughrepparttar 117353 order process. By that point customers are feeling too frustrated to purchase anything. Be upfront about exactly what customers can expect duringrepparttar 117354 order process and strive to make it as quick and easy as possible.

11. Test, test, test! Findingrepparttar 117355 right mix of product, price and sales tactic is very difficult – if it was easyrepparttar 117356 average conversion rate would be a lot higher than 2%! Your best chance for getting a mix that works is testing different scenarios. If you don’t already know what split run testing is you need to learn about it. In a nutshell it allows you to show different pages to different visitors forrepparttar 117357 purposes of determining which one performs best. Using split run testing you can try different site layouts, sales letters, prices, special offers, and many more scenarios to find what getsrepparttar 117358 most sales.

Now get out there and make some money!

Jennifer Tripp is the creator of MySmallBizCoach, an affordable, personalized coaching service for small business owners. Learn how your business can benefit from becoming a member by requesting a consultation now

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