Build Your Own Website And Get Free Traffic

Written by Mark Shantz

Continued from page 1

Most small business hosting services or providers include very little inrepparttar way of tools needed to grow a truly successful full time Internet business. They usually provide an upgrade package and offer lots of third party software solutions and packages. This too can be a time intensive process to follow so one must be careful to weigh their options and investigate several different providers in order to make a decision that is right for your business requirements. There are however, companies that do deliver more, and can help anyone automate these complicated tedious tasks with greater efficiency and less time. The job of creating a great free traffic site byrepparttar 116717 inexperienced or less knowledgeable marketer is now within your grasp.

A few months ago I wrote an article about web site management that included information aboutrepparttar 116718 different web design tools available such as microsoft Front Page and Print Shop etc. These are also great tools that can be used in conjunction with hosting companies or online web design service providers. For more information about a service that over delivers on this topic and how to receive free traffic you can check out my resource box below.

Mark Shantz is a work at home entrepreneur dedicated to the support of people looking for top rated home job business opportunities. He provides time saving tools, resources, and helpful support. To visit an honest friend in the business and receive Free information, courses and downloads go to;

Make Money At Home-Start Here First

Written by Jeff Schuman

Continued from page 1 Do not be afraid of competition, but do expect to work harder if you want to make money working at home in a competitive field.

You don't need a lot of of tools to start making money working at home. In my case I use a laptop with high speed internet access, an email account, a second phone line separate from my personal line, a printer, and efax to receive faxes.

You could get by with just a good internet connection and a decent email provider to start. Don't use a free email account like hotmail or yahoo. Be professional!

I learned how to build simple websites for my products, how to advertiserepparttar products both online and offline, and how to use my telephone for follow-up.

This took a while and I have found that joining a good affiliate program can provide you with products, training material, marketing tools, websites and more to help you get your make money at home business offrepparttar 116716 ground as you are learning.

There is no doubtrepparttar 116717 biggest obstacle you will encounter is finding prospects, customers, traffic, or whatever you want to call it.

This isrepparttar 116718 number one reason people fail working from home. You have a great product or service, now how do you tellrepparttar 116719 world about it!!

My advice is to zero in on a main marketing strategy and then branch off from that. I'll give you an example. When I started my small business website design company I decided that signing up affiliates in various large metro areas and providing them with a pre-written telemarketing script and objections/rebuttals list wasrepparttar 116720 best way to attract customers inexpensively.

Pay them a handsome commission and residual income and support them with an excellent product and back-end service. I branched out into internet marketing and advertising from there. There is always more than one way to skin a cat, but focus on one method before you add another. Do not become a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none when it comes to marketing your business.

I would close this article by saying this. You have to become a sponge and spend some time and money learning how to make money working at home. Subscribe to as many newsletters, publications, etc. as your time allows you to read. BUT....Do Not Get caught up inrepparttar 116721 trap of learning, but not earning.

Take what you are learning and get inrepparttar 116722 game. Knowledge without action is a waste. If you will apply what you learn you will reaprepparttar 116723 rewards ofrepparttar 116724 rapidly growing number of people who are happily making money working from home!

Jeff Schuman's Make Money website contains hundreds of ways to make money online. His Make Money Newsletter offers the hottest new ways to make money at home.

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