Build Your Business with Strong Brands - not a Mountain of

Written by Daniel Janal

Continued from page 1

I then ask if people have telephones. Everyone raises their hands. I ask if people have ever had a problem with their phone company. Most people keep their hands up! You probably haverepparttar same experience. Phone companies have bad reputations for customer service.

Good companies create good brands by creating trust.

Do you need a lot of money to create trust?

No way!

Yet hundreds of companies have blown through more than a billion dollars on TV ads duringrepparttar 121911 Super Bowl and other major events trying to build a brand image.

I attended a top-level seminar on branding and a venture capitalist onrepparttar 121912 panel said a consumer company must spend $50 million dollars to build a brand identity today.

However, in my seminar on branding at Stanford, I askedrepparttar 121913 participants - all brand managers at major companies, to name 10 search engines, 10 consumer web sites, 3 pet supplies sites and 10 business-to-business web sites.

No one could!

And these arerepparttar 121914 very people who are inrepparttar 121915 industry, and are exposed torepparttar 121916 millions of dollars of advertising to create brands!

What does this mean?

Buying your way to brand awareness does not work!

The net is littered with those failures: Dr. Koop, Priceline's grocery service and stand out as highly publicized failures.

So, as a small company, you don't have to worry about not have a treasure chest full of cash to buy a reputation - because it doesn't work!

How do you create a great brand? That's where brand assets come in to play. Brand assets are your slogans, advertising, publicity, promotions, characters, spokes people, as well as your customer service and sales people! These tools help create a meaningful identity that creates an emotional bond with your audience that compels them to take action - and providesrepparttar 121917 logic that justifies their choices.

The Internet has a treasure chest of tools to create brand awareness, brand identity and brand loyalty including your e-mail address, website name, signature file. You also need to transmit your own personality and identity to create trust.

When you build trust, you build a great brand. If you can do that, then you will build sales and create customers for life!

Daniel Janal is an internationally-recognized speaker, Internet marketer and best-selling author of Branding on the Internet.

Smart and Simple Tips for Successful Online Marketing!

Written by Dattatraya Kadikar

Continued from page 1

You can also write a small signature of 4 to 5 lines that can and must include your company name, contact address, phone and fax numbers, email address, website URL and your slogan. This way every email that goes out from you will carry your message and complete contact details and will generate more traffic to your web site.

Generating Traffic From Search Engines

We all know that most ofrepparttar web traffic is routed throughrepparttar 121910 Search Engines. But, allrepparttar 121911 search engines list not all sites and it takes anywhere between 8 to 12 weeks forrepparttar 121912 listing. There are many services that providerepparttar 121913 Free submission to search engines and shockingly enough we found that most of our members have not even takenrepparttar 121914 benefit of Free site submission tool provided to them. The Search Engines do not knowrepparttar 121915 existence of your website unless you submit it to them and unless you submit it to them they will not index your web site even if you made a very classy web site.

Let us takerepparttar 121916 simile a little further. You will find that Financial Giants and Corporates in USA would want their offices to be near Wall Street or inrepparttar 121917 Manhattan area in New York. Similarly, other industries or trades would like to have their office or establishment inrepparttar 121918 proximity ofrepparttar 121919 area where similar units are existing or wholesale market for that commodity is situated. Why does this happen? People know that when a prospective buyer wants to buy something he will come to main market for that commodity and if you are located right in front of his or her eyes,repparttar 121920 client might visit you. The same principle applies in listing withrepparttar 121921 search engines also. If some one searches for your products, he might be presented withrepparttar 121922 search results that contain a link to your web site only if you have submitted your site to search engines, otherwise you will never be found.

And, it is said that if you are away from sight, you are forgotten. So, start printing your full contact details including URL and email id on everything that goes out of your office and you will start buildingrepparttar 121923 traffic to your web site. To summarize your web site URL and email address must be included in all ofrepparttar 121924 following:

1.Letterheads 2.Envelopes 3.Visiting Cards 4.Invoices 5.Delivery Notes 6.Thank You Notes 7.Press Advertisements 8.Press Releases 9.Brochures 10.Price-lists 11.Email Signature Lines

I hope this starts bringing some very well targeted traffic to your web site. Happy Online Marketing!

Dattatraya Kadikar, CEO of Regent NewTech Counselors, Inc. involved in Web Designing, Web Applications Development and Graphics Designing including turnkey projects for Portal and Vortal Development. Join the Affiliate Program of Regent NewTech Counselors, Inc. and we will review your site FREE for Designing. Get the 1st Order and we will design a GIF Banner ($19.95 Value) Absolutely Free. Signup by visiting the web site at

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