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1.) ** Using "Institutional Advertising" **Institutional advertising is advertising that does not focus on your prospects. Rather on you, your company, your pay plan, your products, your bonus pool, your packaging, or
sales people at
home office.Anything that does not focus solely on your prospect is institutional advertising. Think of Coke-A-Cola. That's institutional advertising. Their sole purpose is brand their name into your mind. That way when you get thirsty and want a soda, you buy a Coke.You must focus on your prospects ego and their desires. What they want takes priority over what you or
MLM company you're with wants. Tell them what's in it for them.Solution: Create prospect focused advertising and drop your ego and appeal to
prospects ego.
2.) ** Fell Into Management Mode **This one is a biggy. In order to make money in network marketing (or in direct selling)
life blood is new business. For
first 2-3 years new business is what drives your income.If you spend all of your time managing people and none of it actually acquiring new business you'll fall into a mode where your income levels off or just drops. This is management mode and it will stop you dead in your tracks from making long term income from MLM.Solution: Always be moving forward, building your group. Leading by example. By building.
3.) ** Making MLM Your Business **One of
most sobering and completely real facts of MLM is that you do not own your own MLM business. At any moment in time
network marketing company you're with could shut it's doors, change it's policies, cut
popular products (not likely, but happens) or any number of things that would instantly stop your income or cut it by 50%.Making MLM your business limits you. Stops you from seeing all of
possibilities outside
MLM industry. Instantly turning your income into something that is in reality, not yours. Make MLM a part of your business. Not
sole reason it exists.Solution: Expand your business into other areas. Not just MLM.
4.) ** Not Being Personal **MLM takes time, money, more time and more money to develop. As does any profitable business. However, in
day of emails, fax machines, web sites, online video, and super technology, it is easier than ever to forget you are working with real live people with real live problems and worries.Adding a personal touch to
process will build your credibility, and build trust with those you plan on working with.Solution: Add a personal touch and build trust
5.) ** Not Being Realistic **Technology makes it easier for you to contact more and more people at an ever growing rate. Which leads some people to hype up their claims. Hyped up claims are not always so outrageous they instantly appear full of hype.Some of them are subtle, like, "No direct selling." Which seems like a benefit, because people hate to sell. In truth, direct selling is network marketing. You are not as aggressive about it. But you will, and always be selling something to someone.Solution: Be Realistic and understand network marketing is a selling business.
6.) ** Losing Focus **Losing focus is easy. Thousands of ways to advertise and reach your market exist. Pick 1 or 2 or 3 of them. Not all of them. Focus on what works, and drop what doesn't. If you know it's not working after a few weeks, don't do it anymore.Solution: Focus only on one, two or three advertising strategies at time. And focus on them until they prove to be ineffective.
7.) ** Becoming a Computer Jockey **A Computer Jockey? What's that? Computer Jockey's are people who sit there in front of their computer and try to work their MLM business completely online. 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.I hope by reading this you have a better idea about how to build a downline for your mlm network marketing.Good luck and make money.

John Old is editor of a Downline Community – Focus on Downline Club, MLM Downline Leads, MLM Network Marketing and Downline Building :: Don’t Buy Downline, It’s Free to Swap Downline at