Continued from page 1
An ezine is one of
most effective ways to build relationships with people interested in what you offer. The people on your list have given you permission to get in front of them periodically to share a bit of your knowledge in your articles and to promote your services and products to them. They asked for
information! What better audience to present your portfolio to?
Step 4: Build Your List
So far, so good. But step four is
truly powerful one. Here's where we build your list. As those who know me have heard me say many times,
one with
biggest list wins. If you have many people on your list, you will make more sales with
same conversion ratio. Put in English, if you send out a mailing about a new product and 2% of
people who receive it buy
product, you will sell more product and make more money
larger your list is.
There are dozens of ways to build your list - many of them absolutely free. Some include getting listed on ezine directories and announcement lists, putting a link to sign up for your ezine in
signature block of your email software, and putting a signup form on every page of your website.
These are some of
simplest steps and there are many more. One that's very effective that I recommend to all my clients is to submit articles you've written to article banks on
web and other ezine publishers. Get your articles onto as many websites and into as many ezines as possible - all with your website link in them, of course! - and you'll see more website traffic and more ezine signups.
Step 5: Profit From Your List
The last step is where it starts getting good - really good! You learn how to profit from your list. Having put all this effort into your business, it's time to start making that extra money!
Before you have a large list - and after - joint ventures can be very useful. They allow you to get in front of someone else's list to promote your products and services. When you don't have a list of your own, this can be a powerful way to start making money.
Even when you do have a list, sharing your list with your partner while you get access to his list is a terrific way to get more exposure. And you'll usually get affiliate fees from anything people on your list buy from your joint venture partner!
Just be sure to pick joint venture partners who have
same target market as you, but don't compete with you.
There are two other ways to make money from your list. First, of couse, market your portfolio to your list, in your ezine and occasionally in a solo mailing.
Second, you may choose to sell advertising space in your ezine. This is most effective when you have a fairly good list.
This is an overview of a process you can use to start building an online business. The irony is that through implementing this process, not only will you develop additional product-based streams of income. You will also attract more clients for your existing services!
By Peggy Champlin of Success With Ease. Please visit Peggy's web site at for more information about building passive income.