Budget is NOT a four-letter word!

Written by Kathy Gulrich

Continued from page 1

But that's justrepparttar half of it. You'll take a good look around to see what you already have ... BEFORE you head torepparttar 101749 art supply store. The result? More money in your pocket, and less stuff to find room for in your studio!

7 - YOU'LL BE MORE REAL - WITH YOUR ART, WITH YOUR LIFE. Let's face it, totally ignoring your financial situation doesn't do anything for your art. And it sure doesn't make things easy for people around you. So come on, just do it!

It's not really that hard (I promise...).

Most people are pretty good atrepparttar 101750 'money coming in' part, so I won't say much about that. All you need to do is keep track of how much money you earn each month (job, gifts, artwork sales, etc.).

I'm willing to bet, though, that you're NOT very accurate about how much you spend. So here'srepparttar 101751 plan:

Starting today - and for at least four weeks, every day - write down every penny you spend. Yep, EVERY penny. From your morning newspaper, to your new canvas, torepparttar 101752 new pair of sandals you just couldn't live without. (It may help to buy a small spiral notebook for this. And yes,repparttar 101753 price ofrepparttar 101754 notebook gets written down, too!)

Also, every time you get a bill (telephone, rent, etc.) overrepparttar 101755 next month, save it.

Pretty easy so far, right?

Here comesrepparttar 101756 interesting part. Atrepparttar 101757 end ofrepparttar 101758 month, take a look at some ofrepparttar 101759 'small' things you're spending money on.

Say, that $1 cappuccino you have every morning to get you going. Couldn't you go a lot further onrepparttar 101760 $365 you'd save - every year - if you had coffee at home instead? (Hmmm. Three cappuccino-less years and you could save, let's see, more than a thousand dollars....)

Take a look at allrepparttar 101761 places you could save - WITHOUT having to change your lifestyle. For example, magazine subscriptions for magazines you don't have time to read. Framing that you usually send out, that you could easily do yourself. A cell phone plan with way more minutes than you ever use. Getrepparttar 101762 picture?

Just thinking about how you're spending will help you spend less. Guaranteed. So go for it! In fact, have fun with it!

And maybe one day soon I'll bump into you at some fabulous little restaurant that costs about half as much asrepparttar 101763 one we used to go to!

Award-winning New York City artist Kathy Gulrich specialized in helping other artists be successful, too. Sign up for her FREE smART business e-newsletter for artists at: http://www.smARTbusinessCoaching.com/newsletter_html

Confessions of a Professional Matchmaker

Written by Terri Arnold (a/k/a Spicy Grandma)

Continued from page 1

3) Others had a Wish List for their Perfect Person and expected me to findrepparttar person on that list for them. One divorced man in his late 30's expressed a desire for a woman who had a specific type of nose. (Really!) A never-married woman in her early 30's with pale blonde hair and very light skin wanted a man with very, very dark skin (but not an African-American), who earned at minimum $75,000 per year, was not in Sales, had never been married and had no children. I had twelve men who matched her description in my data base but she found something wrong with each one and refused to go out with any of them. She then complained about my service and was upset because she 'had not had even one date'. AARRGGHH!!! An Indian medical student saw her photo and was instantly smitten. They had many things in common and each was whatrepparttar 101748 other was seeking. He was very excited about meeting her; however, before they met, he wanted a guarantee of a successful relationship which I of course could not give him. They never met and as far as I know, both are still single and searching.....

My advice: Don't shoot yourself inrepparttar 101749 foot! If you are meeting a lot of people and just can't seem to connect, ask yourself if you really want a relationship. Are you ready and willing to be close with another person? If you constantly find fault with others, ask yourself these questions and be a bit more tolerant. Don't expect to find your perfect person because he or she does not exist. Be happy if you find Ms. or Mr. Almost-Perfect. Good luck!

Terri Arnold has a Masters Degree in Counseling and has been a Psychotherapist for over twenty years. She owned and operated a brick-and-mortar dating service for several years. Terri now invites you to visit her popular interactive and personalized 50+ dating community.

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