Bringing Spirituality to the Workplace

Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1

should dominaterepparttar headlines. There is a shift going on in business

involving, going beyond maximizing profits to considering all

stakeholders: employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, andrepparttar 123161


Now that more and more people are doing business onrepparttar 123162 internet and

companies have gone globalrepparttar 123163 community has expanded as hasrepparttar 123164

enviroment to a global village.

I believe that Joseph Campbell showedrepparttar 123165 way when he said follow your

bliss. What he meant was that we should noticerepparttar 123166 things that give us

deep joy and a feeling of satisfaction. People are not only looking

toward following their bliss but having meaning in their work. Inrepparttar 123167

agricultural age one sawrepparttar 123168 results of their work. Now so many times

people only do a small piece of a large project and never see any

results ofrepparttar 123169 whole. So it is more important than ever that they do

what they love and love what they do. We yearn for work to be a place

in which we both experience and express our deep soul and spirit. What would a more spiritual workplace mean for people? It would mean that work is a place beyond earning our daily bread. A place whererepparttar 123170 whole person can express themselves. It would also mean through our creative contribution that other peoples spirit and creativity would be nourished.e Self (their aliveness).

Creativity isrepparttar 123171 core of business. It will allow us to come out with new products, ideas, and services that serve other people. To realize this goal we must create enviroments where spirit flourishes. When people incorporate spirituality they work more efficiently as teams for they are living values that nuture others. By being more ethical companies are able to trust employees, employees can give up some ofrepparttar 123172 fear of being scammed by employers and customers trustrepparttar 123173 company and stay with them longer.

When we exercise leadership based on spiritual values, we buildrepparttar 123174 character and reputation required for growth.

About the author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal you can subscribe at

Want Money? You got it!

Written by Miami Phillips

Continued from page 1

See? It is backwards. We Do, Have, Be instead of Be, Do, Have .

What is wrong with this? It leads to a never ending, vicious cycle. There is always more stuff! We all want desperately to just Be . If our Being depends on Having we are all in trouble. There is always more stuff! Bigger and better houses, cars, clubs, clothes, boats, airplanes etc.... To get this stuff we need more income, which means we must be Doing work harder and longer at jobs we didn't particularly like to begin with.

What isrepparttar answer?

Be who you are first. Definerepparttar 123160 top four values for your Self. I will send you a worksheet if you email and ask for it. Define what success is for you! Again, I will be happy to send you a worksheet. With your definitions in hand, begin to make conscious choices on every single opportunity based on your values and your definition of success instead of someone else's. Over time you will find your life reflecting who you are.

Do what you love. This takes time to understand. What did you love to do as a child? What are your dreams now? What are you passionate about? Each of us is here for a reason. When you understand this reason, and follow it with all your heart, an amazing thing will happen.

You will Have what you need. You might not need allrepparttar 123161 stuff you have. When you are fulfilled Being who you are, and you are busy Doing what you love, there is a Universal energy standing by so you Have what you need.

Be ready! You might not need what you have!

Your Coach and online friend,


Miami Phillips

Helping others find their path - and stay on it.

Quotation ofrepparttar 123162 Week

"When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn."— John WesleyEvangelist (eighteenth century)

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at or send him an email at

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