Bring Traffic to Your Site with "Co-op Banner Pages"

Written by Cherie Davidson

Continued from page 1

If your site fits any of these new "Best of" lists, feel free to join! Absolutely no cost or strings, just exposure for your site (and every site onrepparttar list) to an audience interested in what you have to say or offer!

These "co-op banner pages" (I believe I just coined a phrase!) can be a nice asset for any site promotion effort, as well as a convenient place to look for resources for your own interests. I figured it only takes a few minutes to set up, so what could I lose? Nothing, it turns out...but I gained visitors to my sites. Maybe you will, too.

You're welcome to join one of my top site lists, and if you start one, let me know!

Christmas Sites:

Cherie' Davidson has been working as a Site Content Editor for several years. Two years ago she began her own business, Suitable Words (, where she provides site development and on-line writing services. She is now her own client through (, her directory site for low carb enthusiasts. You may contact her at

Dracula Marketing

Written by Dave Brown

Continued from page 1

Dracula: Dead and Loving It (comedy) Dracula: The Dirty Old Man (comedy) and more.

Movie makers must have also recognizedrepparttar popularity of Godzilla movies and realized that people like watching monsters fight monsters. So then we got...

Dracula vs. Frankenstein Los Monstruos del Terror and so on.

But there are also movies that actually takerepparttar 124897 story of Dracula and build on it. Make it into something more. Add torepparttar 124898 story. Movies like...

Dracula's Widow Lady Dracula Son of Dracula Dracula's Dog and so on.

And of course, as technology has become more sophisticated, we've seen more visually spectacular Dracula movies. A far cry fromrepparttar 124899 original black and whites. People who wouldn't want to seerepparttar 124900 original movies still like to seerepparttar 124901 modern special effects movies.

You probably see how this relates to your own marketing efforts. You don't have to come up with something original to be successful. You just need to find out what people already like and put your own twist on it.

Can you make something better?

Can you change something a little so that it meets a different need?

Can you copy an existing product and make it available to a different market?

Can you use new technology to do something better?

It's great if you can come up with something new and innovative. But it's hard to succeed at that. It's much easier to build on what other people have already done. Don't just blatantly copy someone else's ideas. But use their ideas asrepparttar 124902 foundation that you'll build upon.

Follow Dracula's example and you'll be in good shape.

Dave Brown is a self-taught marketer and software developer. He also publishes the uncommon and uniquely original newsletter on making the most of your life - A Fresh Perspective. You can learn more at

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