Bridging the Chasm from Lead to Loyal Customer

Written by Julie Chance

Continued from page 1

At this stage,repparttar objective is to get those potential customers who tookrepparttar 120744 first step to take a second step by requesting additional information perhaps a video or booklet, calling for a free consultation, signing up for a free seminar or teleconference, purchasing an e-book, etc. For example, a trainer might gain credibility and allow potential customers to “sample” their product by offering free, hour long presentations on topics related to their area of specialty. Again,repparttar 120745 offer must be of value torepparttar 120746 client, and should pose a slightly higher level of risk, obligation or commitment onrepparttar 120747 part ofrepparttar 120748 potential customer.

•Step Three – Conviction and Purchase: The final step inrepparttar 120749 process is getting those potential customers who have begunrepparttar 120750 journey acrossrepparttar 120751 chasm by requesting information and then following up onrepparttar 120752 information requested to actually makerepparttar 120753 decision to purchase. In this step, personal, one-on-one selling becomesrepparttar 120754 primary method of achievingrepparttar 120755 objective. And, if you have developed a relationship withrepparttar 120756 potential client throughout their journey, this step should be as simple as reaching out to take their hand as they reachrepparttar 120757 end ofrepparttar 120758 ladder and step off ontorepparttar 120759 ground. And reassuring them that they have maderepparttar 120760 right decision by embarking onrepparttar 120761 journey.

Whilerepparttar 120762 process is simple, implementation takes a committed and consistent effort. It may take as many as five to 15 exposures to your product or service for a potential client to move throughrepparttar 120763 process and crossrepparttar 120764 chasm from lead to loyal customer. They key is to plan those exposures so each one: •Matchesrepparttar 120765 level ofrepparttar 120766 process whererepparttar 120767 potential customer currently is (i.e. direct mass media activities to potential customers inrepparttar 120768 awareness and knowledge phases, and use personal selling with prospective customers inrepparttar 120769 conviction and purchase phases).

•Builds onrepparttar 120770 previous exposure, automatically moving people throughrepparttar 120771 buying process one step at a time.

To beginrepparttar 120772 process of helping potential clients bridgerepparttar 120773 chasm to loyal customer ask yourself these questions:

1. What are three to five ways I can have an initial contact with members of my ideal customer group?

2. What can I provide as a free offer in exchange for contact information to get people to takerepparttar 120774 first step?

3. What are two or three intermediary steps I can encourage prospects to take?

4. What arerepparttar 120775 key promotional tools that I will use at each step?

Julie Chance is president of Strategies-by-DESIGN, a Dallas based firm that helps small businesses and service professionals Map A Path to Success by bridging the chasm from Lead to Loyal Customer. For more information or to sign up for our free Marketing Tips Newsletter go to http// or call 972-701-9311.

Why Write an eBook?

Written by Michael Rasmussen

Continued from page 1

Perhaps your goals are more finely tuned in terms ofrepparttar ebook scene. You may want to build a whole business around writing and publishing ebooks. Essentially, you want to start an e-business. You are thinking of setting up a website to promote and market your ebooks. Maybe you're even thinking of producing an ezine.

One ofrepparttar 120743 most prevalent reasons people read ebooks is to find information about how to turn their Internet businesses into a profit-making machine. And these people are looking torepparttar 120744 writers of ebooks to provide them with new ideas and strategies because writers of ebooks are usually people who understandrepparttar 120745 new cyberspace world we now live in. Ebook writers are experts in Internet marketing campaigns andrepparttar 120746 strategies of promoting and distributing ebooks. The cyberspace community needs its ebooks to be successful so that more and more ebooks will be written.

You may want to create affiliate programs that will also market your ebook. Affiliates can be people or businesses worldwide that will all be working to sell your ebooks. Think about this? Do you see a formula for success here?

Figure out what your subject matter is, and then narrow it down. Your goal is to aim for specificity. Research what's out there already, and try to find a void that your ebook might fill.

What about an ebook about a wedding cake business? Or an ebook about caring for elderly pets? How aboutrepparttar 120747 fine points of collecting ancient pottery?

You don't have to have three masters degrees to write about your subject. People need advice that is easy to read and easily understood. Parents need advice for dealing with their teenagers. College students need to learn good study skills - quickly. The possibilities are endless.

After you've written your ebook

Getting your ebook out is going to be your focus once you've finished writing it, just as it is with print books. People will hesitate to buy any book from an author they've never heard of. Wouldn't you?

The answer is simple: give it away! You will see profits inrepparttar 120748 form of promoting your own business and getting your name out. You will find affiliates who will ask you to place their links within your ebook, and these affiliates will in turn go out and make your name known. Almost every single famous ebook author has started out this way.

Another powerful tool to attract people to your ebook is to make it interactive. Invent something for them to do withinrepparttar 120749 book rather than just producing pages that contain static text. Let your readers fill out questionnaires, forms, even crossword puzzles geared to testing their knowledge on a particular subject. Have your readers hit a link that will allow them to recommend your book to their friends and associates. Or include an actual order form so atrepparttar 120750 end of their reading journey, they can eagerly buy your product.

When people interact with books, they become a part ofrepparttar 120751 world of that book. The fact is just as true for books in print as it is for ebooks.

That's why ebooks are so essential. Not only do they provide a forum for people to learn and make sense of their own thoughts, but they can also serve to promote your business atrepparttar 120752 same time.

Michael Rasmussen is a successful Internet Marketing Consultant and author of many top-selling eBooks. Stop by his Web site and subscribe to his Fr*e monthly newsletter full strategies and techniques for successful web site promotions that can help YOU! Go to

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