Breast feeding Problems

Written by Charles Silverman

Continued from page 1

² Poke root reduces swollen breast and pain. Use under doctor supervision.

² Elder is used to reduce swelling of engorged breast.

² Chamomile help control inflamed breast.

² Give your baby frequent feeds on both breast 10 to 15 minutes each.

² Use a pump to extract milk between feedings to control engorgement.

² Massagerepparttar breast while feeding to help milk flow easily.

² Mix 2 quarts of boiling water.

2 tsp. of vitex berries. 2 tsp. of blessed thistle leaves. 1 tsp. of nettle leaves. 1/2 tsp. fenugreek seed. 1/2 tsp. anise seed. Let it steep for 30 minutes, strain and drink 2 cups a day.

² Bryonia reduces swollen and hard breasts.

² Pulsatilla and calcarea is very helpful reducingrepparttar 115887 size and hardness of engorged breasts.

² Whenrepparttar 115888 production of milk is excessive and produces engorgement a cold compress using peppermint oil should be used.

² A compress of marshmallow and slippery elm often reduces engorgement.

Plugged duct

This is a problem that occurs whenrepparttar 115889 baby does not emptyrepparttar 115890 breast completely on each feeding,repparttar 115891 milk remaining inrepparttar 115892 duct hardens and blocksrepparttar 115893 duct eventually plugging it. Tight bras can cause plugged ducts as well. Ifrepparttar 115894 breast feels sore it might be a sign of plugged ducts. A plugged duct should be taking care of as soon as possible, if not so it can develop into Mastitis.

We recommend

² Castor oil helps with inflammation and pain.

² Elder is used to reduce swelling of plugged breast ducts.

² Queen's delight Clears congestion of lymphatic vessels, stimulates white blood cells to react to infection.

² Check your nipples everyday, if you see dry milk on them or dark dots remove them with a cotton and warm water and feed your child as soon a s possible from that breast.

² Placerepparttar 115895 baby in different positions every time, this will ensure that all ducts are being used.

² Place hot towels onrepparttar 115896 breast or run hot water over them inrepparttar 115897 shower.

² Massagerepparttar 115898 breast inrepparttar 115899 direction ofrepparttar 115900 nipple to try to getrepparttar 115901 milk to come out. Mastitis

Mastitis is a condition that results when a plugged duct becomes infected,repparttar 115902 breast swells due to a bacteria that enters through tinny cracks onrepparttar 115903 nipples. The breast infected with mastitis becomes red and painful with pus secretion other symptoms are fever, fatigue, vomiting or nausea.

We recommend

² Take poke root this helps mastitis. Use under doctor supervision.

² Queen's delight Clears congestion of lymphatic vessels, stimulates white blood cells to react to infection.

² Place hot towels onrepparttar 115904 breast or run hot water over them inrepparttar 115905 shower.

² Elder is used to reduce swelling of breast infected with mastitis.

² Rest as much as you can.

² Drink lots of water or alfalfa juice.

² Coat your nipples with breast milk after feeding.

² There are antibiotics that are safe for nursing mothers and their babies, see your doctor if your case is very severe. However we recommend that you try to avoid antibiotic as much as you can.

² Wash your hands before and after feeding, to prevent bacteria contamination.

² Dandelion is very helpful and popular herb to treat mastitis.

² The chinese use gentian to cure mastitis.

² Madder root is useful in relieving mastitis.

Cracked nipples

Cracked nipples can develop whenrepparttar 115906 baby is being position wrongly or by using damp breast pads. The nipple becomes irritated, red, and painful in some cases bleeding may develop.

² Calendula cream will soothe and encouragerepparttar 115907 healing of cracked nipples and is safe forrepparttar 115908 baby to swallow.

² The homeopathic remedy called chamomilla helps heal cracked nipples.

² The homeopathic remedy called pulsatilla helps heal cracked nipples.

² Sulfur is also helpful for cracked nipples.

² Apply vitamin E to sore and cracked nipples.

Subscribe torepparttar 115909 newsletter at or visitrepparttar 115910 web page atrepparttar 115911 same address.

Charles Silverman is the author of HMM newsletter and owner of Home Made


Written by Phil Weaver

Continued from page 1
A new program, Cardio Karaticise is fillingrepparttar gap. Cardio Karaticise is based upon a rare soft style Kung Fu instead ofrepparttar 115886 hard style karate and boxing. Martial arts are separated into two main categories, hard and soft. Prior to Cardio Karaticise, kick boxing type programs have all been based upon hard style martial arts and boxing. Hard style motion requiresrepparttar 115887 elbows and knees to go to full extension. Boxing requires a high impact, bouncing jerky motion. Both of these can be hard onrepparttar 115888 body. Cardio Karaticise is based upon one ofrepparttar 115889 softest martial arts known, Shou' Shu. Shou' Shu' is a royal Mandarin Kung Fu, which is a true fighting art, has largely been unchanged since its days onrepparttar 115890 battlefield. It is a very soft fluid motion, yet it is extremely powerful. Cardio Karaticise is based upon this soft yet powerful motion. It givesrepparttar 115891 practitioner an incredible workout withoutrepparttar 115892 jerky motion and ballistic stretching. "We have people in our classes that have preexisting knee injuries and they are able to dorepparttar 115893 class without problems", says Liz Weaver, martial artist, Cardio Karaticise instructor and co-developer ofrepparttar 115894 program. The program is also easily modified for intensity level and to compensate for preexisting conditions. This is all covered inrepparttar 115895 instructional section atrepparttar 115896 end ofrepparttar 115897 tape. The program is a fifty minute workout with a 20 minute instructional section. The tape can be purchased or more info found at or by calling 1-877-643-7179

Phil Weaver, the author, is the co-creator of the kung fu based aerobics video, Cardio Karaticise. He is also a full time Kung Fu instructor. He and His wife Liz Weaver operate a Kung Fu school in Burson Ca, which teaches authentic Mandarin Kung Fu called Shou' Shu', They offer free lessons on how to properly do martial arts based aerobics program, while minimizing the risk of injury at their website

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