Breast cancer for beginners

Written by Mansi gupta

Continued from page 1

Diagnosis The findings that denote a cancer are single, non-tender and firm to hard mass with ill-defined margins. This can be later confirmed by mammography and biopsy. Afterrepparttar cancer has been diagnosed staging is done to find outrepparttar 144781 best treatment option as well asrepparttar 144782 prognosis.

Management The management of breast cancer rests basically on two things. The first isrepparttar 144783 treatment and second isrepparttar 144784 counseling. The treatment can further be divided into three: medical, radiation, and surgery. The medical treatment consists of drugs such as tamoxifen, which is an anti estrogen, aromatase inhibitors such as aminoglutethimide and monoclonal antibodies such as trastuzumab. But similar to other drugs they have their own side effects profile. The side effects associated with tamoxifen are increased vaginal bleeding, endometrial cancer and cataracts. The aromatase inhibitors haverepparttar 144785 side effects of leg cramps, jaundice and weight gain whilerepparttar 144786 monoclonal antibodies may cause sterility or certain birth abnormalities. Generallyrepparttar 144787 radiation and surgery arerepparttar 144788 modalities, which are needed forrepparttar 144789 treatment to ward offrepparttar 144790 body ofrepparttar 144791 cancerous growth.

Counseling This is one ofrepparttar 144792 most important parts ofrepparttar 144793 treatment both before and afterrepparttar 144794 surgery. The patients are to be taught that this is only another disease, which has treatment available, and persons can lead a normal life after that.

Latest research Latest research is being done on bothrepparttar 144795 surgery andrepparttar 144796 medicine. Forrepparttar 144797 surgery, surgeons are trying to find outrepparttar 144798 best way of surgery so that post surgeryrepparttar 144799 patients have minimal disabilities. Similar medicines with lesser side effects are being researched.

Mansi gupta writes about breast cancer topics.

What every woman needs to know about Natural Progesterone

Written by Jaynne Nicols

Continued from page 1

Why does my Doctor not know about Natural Progesterone?

For years women have been subjected to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), using synthetic hormones (like Diosgenin) to balance and easerepparttar symptoms of menopause. These synthetics, prescribed to millions of women to ease immediate symptoms of menopause, prevent osteoporosis and heart disease, have now been found to actually increaserepparttar 144780 risk of heart disease, cancer and blood clots.

The primary reason so few studies have been performed on natural progesterone is lack of financial interest.

Pharmaceutical companies will not spend research, development or marketing money on a product they cannot patent, and no one can patent Progesterone; it's a naturally occurring hormone inrepparttar 144781 body.

Research of Natural Progesterone and its findings

Dr. John R. Lee, a renowned expert and leader inrepparttar 144782 field of research advocatingrepparttar 144783 use of natural progesterone, was asked why doctors don't use or prescribe natural progesterone. His answer: "… it is not favored byrepparttar 144784 medical-industry complex."

Dr. Lee wasrepparttar 144785 first doctor to questionrepparttar 144786 use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and was heavily criticized for it. According to Dr. Lee only natural USP progesterone has a molecular structure identical torepparttar 144787 progesterone produced byrepparttar 144788 human body. He stated, "Synthetic hormones don't work as predicted and, worse, they pose a health threat to women."

Afterrepparttar 144789 infamous HRT "Nurses Study" was stopped due to numerous and dangerous side effects, including heart attacks, strokes and cancer, Dr. Lee's work was finally brought to light and taken seriously.

What are your Progesterone Options

If you are unsure if your progesterone levels are too low (or in rare cases, too high), we recommend that you discuss testing your levels with your doctor.

One ofrepparttar 144790 best home tests for evaluating levels of these hormones is a saliva test. Aeron Life Cycles provides accurate and convenient saliva tests for both consumers andrepparttar 144791 medical profession.

Protein Hormones vs. Steroid Hormones

Protein hormones are produced by glands likerepparttar 144792 hypothalamu, pituitary and thyroid. Such hormones inculde growth hormone and thyroxin. Supplies of these hormones are stored withinrepparttar 144793 gland and released as needed.

Steroid hormones are made from cholesterol and include pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA, and estrogen. These hormones are not stored; they are produced on an as-needed basis.

While conventional creams allow only 30% of their active ingredients to permeaterepparttar 144794 skin,repparttar 144795 Natural Balance Plus Creme (, a high-quality, all-vegetarian skin crème, supplies progesterone to counter estrogen dominance or maintain nerve myelin in areas of inflammation, throughrepparttar 144796 application of an all-natural crème containing ingredients ofrepparttar 144797 highest standard.

Reasearch has shown that natural progesterone creme best works when using a 5-day rotation schedule. Result will vary anywhere from 3 days to 3 months before you see any changes depending on your body type.

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Health Issues have always been Jaynne's major focus in life. She has created several health related sites because of her interest.

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