Breaking Through Resistance

Written by Selena Richardson

Continued from page 1

The choice is yours - either stay stuck where you're at or push throughrepparttar resistance to get closer to your goal. Are you willing to take it torepparttar 131092 next level? Are you willing to makerepparttar 131093 push to go forward?

Push yourself to new levels when you feelrepparttar 131094 resistance. At that point, right where there isrepparttar 131095 most resistance, when those feelings of doubt, guilt and uncertainty creep in - that isrepparttar 131096 exact moment where you need to keep moving. Take that next step throughrepparttar 131097 resistance. Put one foot in front ofrepparttar 131098 other and with each steprepparttar 131099 road gets easier. The resistance starts to fade intorepparttar 131100 background. That resistance becomes a memory and when you look back you'll be amazed at how easy it was to pull yourself through.

It may seem like a huge step but it's a necessary one. Don't letrepparttar 131101 resistance defeat you. Stand up and fight, then move on. It's easier than you might think. When you get off track get right back on. The keys to breaking though resistance are recognizing its many forms and being willing to rockrepparttar 131102 boat.

Selena Richardson, webmaster of is a believer that you can create your journey in life. Visit her site for more information or subscribe to her free newsletter, Creative Possibilities by sending a blank email to

Change Your Perceptions...Change Your Life

Written by Steve Pilkington

Continued from page 1

Everyday I see more and more people who are getting erased because they are buying intorepparttar idea that other people, people in "authority" know better about how they should think and live. You see, when we fail to make life affirming choices we actually give our power away to others!

Take back your power! Stop depending on someone else's so-called intelligence and follow your own inner wisdom! Trust your own ability to navigate life based on your own inner truth!

We are not helpless as so many of us believe. We are strong spiritual beings withrepparttar 131090 power to choose our own destinies! We are people of dignity, power and courage, but only if we choose to be.

The power to become who I am meant to be lies, not outside of me, but inside of myself. This power can only be exercised by me. I can choose to give it away or I can choose to harness it to its full potential.

You have a choice. How will you choose? ********************************************* Article by Steve Pilkington, Personal/Professional Development Coach. You can subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Create The Life You Are Meant To Live" by sending a blank email to: with "subscribe" inrepparttar 131091 subject line. Or visit his website at:

Steve Pilkington is a Personal/Professional Development coach who works with people to develop systematic strategies to move people from where they are to where they truly want to go in life

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