Breaking Out of The Bubble

Written by Denise Ryder, Marketing Coach

Continued from page 1

We are all great at performingrepparttar day to day activities that are involved with running our businesses. We do well working "in" our businesses. But we also need to break out and work "on" it as well. By that I mean breaking out of your bubble and using some ofrepparttar 144156 strategies above. In addition to that, I also mean taking some time each day or once a week even and read something that will help you gain new business. That isrepparttar 144157 working "on" it.

We get all wrapped up at doing our work to makerepparttar 144158 customers happy once we have them. We forget that we also need to be doingrepparttar 144159 things that makerepparttar 144160 customers come to us inrepparttar 144161 first place. We figure that out a little too late and scramble to try and bring in business. If you just changed your mindset a bit and tookrepparttar 144162 time to drive business in on a consistent basis then you would have a steadier flow ;o)

It's a balancing act but it is one that is not hard to do. Just schedule in time everyday. It won't happen over-night but if you keep at it, you will start to see how it pays off for you!!

Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Hey...are you a do-it yourself marketer? Are you struggling a little? Need just a little help??? Can you imagine how far your business could grow with a Marketing Coach in your pocket??? Take a no cost Test Drive TODAY!!

Niches - The Path to More Profits

Written by Denise Ryder, Marketing Coach

Continued from page 1

I am thinking about niches like, oh...perhaps Real Estate Agents. A few friends are inrepparttar market for a new house. Every week they get inrepparttar 144155 mail (snail mail)repparttar 144156 new listing sheets for allrepparttar 144157 houses listed that week. The idea is that they go through these sheets and see if any ofrepparttar 144158 houses peak their interest and then they are to call their Agent and ask to view them.

It was an ok system, but imagine how much time and MONEY a Real Estate Agent could save if they had an autoresponder service?

All they would have to do is createrepparttar 144159 new listing templates, enterrepparttar 144160 email address and names of their client base (even that is automated) and blast outrepparttar 144161 new listings once a week, or more often if they wanted to. No more printing costs and gone arerepparttar 144162 mailing costs andrepparttar 144163 time factor you have saved them is PRICELESS!

Seerepparttar 144164 potential here???

Are you beginning to getrepparttar 144165 idea about finding other market segments (customers) for your products/services??

If you are an affiliate for an autoresponder service you could promote autoresponders to Dental Offices. They send out appointment reminder cards...imaginerepparttar 144166 cost savings for them if they had an autoresponder service, not to mentionrepparttar 144167 time savings of having staff to stick labels and post them out??

It is just a matter of seeing what they do and how your service can save themrepparttar 144168 time and money. AND...the best part about this thinking is that not many take on this sort of business stance.

Now lets get away fromrepparttar 144169 "online marketing niche" for a second and think of other ways of creating profit through niches.

Another thing is to look to your hobbies and interests.

Lets say you dabble at DJing onrepparttar 144170 weekends as a hobby. With that very hobby you could create profit by creating a little niche site geared towards DJing. Your site could focus on showing someone how to break intorepparttar 144171 weekend DJ business and provide sites that offer good DJ equipment (that you are affiliated with of course).

The idea about NICHE Marketing is that you DON'T have to stick withinrepparttar 144172 "Online Marketing" niche. You can find a niche based on an affiliate program, a hobby or a special interest.

Some ofrepparttar 144173 top marketers have found other niches like; stop smoking, weight loss, online dating, model trains, travel, golf and yup even cooking.

Don't limit yourself torepparttar 144174 niche of online marketing. Step out and find other market segments that are not being served or where there is limited competition and build your niches around those. It's like taking a path of least resistance and a path to more profits!

Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Hey...are you a do-it yourself marketer? Are you struggling a little? Need just a little help??? Can you imagine how far your business could grow with a Marketing Coach in your pocket??? Take a no cost Test Drive TODAY!!

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