Brand Lo-o-o-o-o-ve...?

Written by John Jordan

Continued from page 1

Thankfully, somebody has probably said, “I love that...” about your business. If they haven’t, you probably haven’t been open very long-- or will be open for much longer. Think ofrepparttar last referral that came in. They probably did so because someone had high praise for you.

Now...repparttar 120048 trick is to find out what was so praiseworthy, and effectively comunicate it to similar prospects.

How to do it? Just ask for feedback.

Talk to your clients/customers about their experiences. Usually, they will have good things to say. Or at least they may buffet some less-than-glowing reviews with some good stuff. Speaking of “less than glowing,” when asking for feedback, be prepared for “warts and all.”

In fact, ask for it.

When it’s really bad, you’ll hear it right away. But when there are minor slip-ups, or things your business may NOT be doing, those can easily fall throughrepparttar 120049 cracks. Always stress you want candid, HONEST answers. If you’re not willing to search outrepparttar 120050 “bad stuff,” it will only get worse, and small problems can grow exponentially.

Or somebody realizes how you're underservingrepparttar 120051 market and takes advantage before you do.

So, ask your clients questions casually. Or even print up 100 or so quick response cards with three to five questions. With only a couple of well-worded questions and space for their own additional thoughts, you may not only get good feedback, you might gain insight about your market, operation, or clientele that takes business torepparttar 120052 next level.

Watch for more from me on this topic.

John is a freelance commercial writer based in Omaha, Nebraska. He publishes a free monthly e-zine focusing on branding, advertising, and marketing from his website Speaking with both agency and in-house experience, he knows the most valuable asset of a business is its brand.

How To Make Time For Your Home Business!

Written by James Winston

Continued from page 1

Once you start listing and planning what you want to do, and then carry out your plans, you'll find plenty of "extra time" for handling virtually any kind of home-based income-producing project. People in general may not like routines or schedules, but without some sort of plan as to what is supposed to be done,repparttar world would be mired in mass confusion

Laws, ordinances and regulations are forrepparttar 120047 purpose of guiding people. We live according to an accepted plan or way of life, andrepparttar 120048 better we can organize ourselves,repparttar 120049 more productive and happy we become.

The secret of all financially successful people is simply that they are organized and do not waste time. Think about it. Review your own activities, and then see if you can't find a couple of extra hours in each day for more constructive accomplishments.

When you begin planning, and then when you really become involved in an extra in come-producing endeavor, you should work it exactly as you have organized your regular day-to-day activities - on a time-efficient basis. Do what has to be done immediately. Don't try to get done in an hour something that's realistically going to take a week. Plan out on paper what you have to do - what you want to do - and when you are going to do it. Then get right on each project without procrastination.

Finally, and above all else, when you're organizing your time and your business, be sure to set aside some time for relaxation. Be sure to schedule time when you and your spouse can be together. You must not involve yourself in anything to an extent that you exclude other people - particularly your loved ones - from your life.

Taking stock ofrepparttar 120050 time you waste each day, and from there, reorganizing your activities is what it's all about. It's a matter of becoming more efficient inrepparttar 120051 use of your time. It's really easy to do, and you will not only accomplish a lot more, you will also find greater fulfillment in your life.


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