Brain Nutrients for Alzheimers Disease and Senile Dementia

Written by Patricia Valle

Continued from page 1

B Bitamins are essential for mental health. Deficiencies may manifest themsleves as cognitive impairment or psychosis. B1 (thiamin) deficiency is associated with a psychotic disorder, and B3 (niacin) deficiency is associated with dementia, memory deficits and delirium. Studies indicate that abnormally low levels of vitamin B 12 are also associated with Alzheimers Disease.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid present in large amounts in brain tissue andrepparttar component of all cell membranes. Suggested dosage is 300 mg. three times a day with meals. Zinc prevents zinc depletion which has been linked to a number of brain disorders. Ginkgo Biloba ia an herb that has been well documented to improve cerebral blood flow, and exhibits antioxidant activity on nerves. It may also reduce age-related decline of neurotransmitters and receptors. Ginko may also slowrepparttar 115534 progression of Alzheimers by improving blood flow and reduce blood vessel inflammation.

Proper nutrition may deterrepparttar 115535 onset of Alzheimer's Disease. Avoid red meats, sugar, alcohol, processed foods, and avoid using any aluminum cooking utensils when preparing foods. Eating a well-balanced diet of natural foods is highly recommended. Add fiber foods such as vegetables, sea greens, nuts, ginger, eggs, and soy for brain-nourishing EFA's. Include B vitamin foods such as brewere's yeast, brown rice, molasses, wheat germ, fish and whole grains. Avoid flouridated water as it increases aluminum absorption, and avoid using pain killers like buffered aspirin, analgesics and antacids because they contain aluminum. By using natural therapies,repparttar 115536 slow progression of brain deterioriation has been successful.

This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any ailment. Always consult with your health care professional.

Copyright 2003 by Patricia Valle

I am a nutrition consultant at a well-known health food store in So. California. Prior to working at this store, I became interested in alternative medicine and nutrition when my eldest son was dying of a terminal illness. A little over two years ago I began writing articles on health, nutrition and herbs. Some of the articles are on my own website.

Rejuvenate Your Skin with a Simple Seaweed Facial Mask

Written by Danielle Sims

Continued from page 1

Aloe Vera has been known for its amazing healing properties for centuries. It has been used to help heal burns, eczema, sores, acne, insect bites, and more. It’s an antiseptic, highly lubricant, and penetrates deep intorepparttar skin.

To benefit from these ingredients, create this simple mask:

1 TBSP Kelp powder
½ TBSP honey (raw honey is best)
½ TBSP Aloe vera gel (99.9% pure)

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and apply to a clean face. Leaverepparttar 115533 mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

To enjoy glowing, healthy looking skin, use this mask 2 times a week.

I promise you will enjoy this mask and make it a regular part of your beauty program.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. For more information vist Danielle's website This article is copyright (c) 2003 by Danielle Sims, and may be reprinted in it's entirety as long as this byline and copyright statement is included.

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