Brain Diet : Right Diet prevents Memory Loss

Written by Jasdeep Singh

Continued from page 1

Vitamins B such as niacin and folic acid are vitally important to brain function and help keep mind sharp.

Here is a list of few food items which helps Brain in a huge way

Antioxidants :

1) Plums

2) Oranges

3) Red Grapes

4) Blueberries , Blackberries , Cranberries , Strawberries , Raspberries

5) Onions

6) Brussels sprouts , Alfalfa sprouts

7) Broccoli

8) Cherries etc.

Some Vitamins B which are part of Brain Diet:

1) Dairy products

2) Wheat Germ

3) Seafood

4) Whole grains

5) Carrots

6) Leafy Greens

7) Nuts and Seeds

8) Asparagus

Some Omega 3 fatty acids:

1) Salmon

2) Bluefish

3) Tuna

4) Sardines

5) Mackerel

A Piece of Advice : Giving up alcohol helps brain : A new study suggest that there is a burst in new brain cell development during abstinence from chronic alcohol consumption. When used in excess, alcohol damages brain structure and function.

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About the Author

Jasdeep : for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at

Cholesterol, An Insight: Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol

Written by Jasdeep Singh

Continued from page 1

Do's And Dont's

. Go in for fibrous foods such as salads, fruits, soya milk, oats, soya flour etc

. Eat Omega-3 fatty acids mainly in fish such as salmon, mackerel etc

. Choose best fats for yourself such as olive oil.

. Don't take too much of flour, rice , lard, nuts etc

. Also avoid animal products like red meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, butter, cheese etc

. Avoid oils like coconut, palm or any other tropical oils.

. Keep date with your gym or exercise schedule and do visit a doctor for perfect guidance.

About the Author

Jasdeep : for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at

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