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I publish my newsletter three times a week and send several solo ads, and I offer free ads to my subscribers through an adcode. I include a classified editon of subscriber ads, but I also provide a article ezine to balance it out.I am generous and care about my list.I do my best to remove anyone that wishes to unsubscribe, even though each email has an unsubscribe link enclosed. My list is 100% optin.and double opt-in for most. The latter may be a hassle, but it sorts out
serious subscriber from
greedy one.I do not care to have someone come along and try to get more then what is offered. Take it or leave it alone.
I receive hundreds of emails a day, probably 2/3 of them are junk, I did not ask for them, but I look all my email over. That means 1/3 is either subscribers or ezines I subscribed to,or business.
I spend alot of time reading and sorting email. I find many good ideas and resources, and many emails that go nowhere, but in
trash...Why? Because of a bounce and possibly a sale if they had only provided a reachable email address. Nuf Said!
Donna Sweat Publisher of Dee's Helpful Info. Endless Mts.Home Business htttp://