Boston Terrier Complete Profile

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Continued from page 1

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Intelligent expression, confident graceful gait and well built. Colour: Preferably brindle with white on designated parts ofrepparttar body. Black and white is allowable. Coat: Short, shiny, fine and smooth in texture. Tail: Set low, short, tapering and is either straight or screw-shape. Ears: Small, erect and fine. Can sometimes be cropped. Body: Sloping shoulders, broad chest, prominent ribs, short back and muscular, short loin.

Additional Comments:

There are associated problems with Boston Terriers including inherited eye conditions and their eyes are more prone to injuries. However these difficulties are now less of a problem than inrepparttar 147976 past. Boston Terriers also tend to snore loudly and have regular flatulence. Sometimes natural births of this breed are impossible, due torepparttar 147977 large head size ofrepparttar 147978 puppies. Therefore caesarian sections are quite common for delivery Boston Terriers.

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Alaskan Malamute Complete Profile

Written by

Continued from page 1

History: Alaskan Malamutes got their name from a native tribe inrepparttar Artic called that Mahlemuts. Their origin is rather obscure, but it is generally believed that they have been withrepparttar 147975 eskimos for two to three thousand years. The Alaskan Indians found Alaskan Malamutes invaluable for their ability in droving, herding, hunting and hauling heavy sleds.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Hardy, compact and well-built. Colour: Usually light grey or black and white. Coat: The outercoat is thick and coarse andrepparttar 147976 undercoat is woolly, dense and oily. Tail: Full and furry – carried overrepparttar 147977 back in a curved shape. Ears: Small, upright and triangular. Body: Powerful, well-developed, deep chest, straight back sloping gently torepparttar 147978 hips with a very muscular loin.

Additional Comments:

Alaskan Malamutes are delightful and challenging with their extreme strength and stamina. They require training from early puppyhood to be controllable in a household situation.

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