Born With Instructions

Written by Carol M. Welsh

Continued from page 1

The principal desire for Visual Children is for everything to be perfect, just as they visualized it. Visual children are usually obedient, unless they have to deal with an unexpected change. Then they might resist. Let’s revisit Aaron again but now he’s a Visual child. Aaron skipped intorepparttar small waiting room. He was excited because his cousins were visiting. “Let’s play!” he thought. He leaned against his cousin, Curt, and started pushing on his knees. Curt playfully pushed back Aaron’s shoulders. Aaron pushed harder. Curt returnedrepparttar 110571 shove a little too hard and Aaron suddenly plopped onrepparttar 110572 floor. He giggled loudly and started pushing his cousin’s legs with his feet. “Stop that,” Curt demanded. Aaron pushed again. This was fun! “Aaron,” his mother said sternly, “Get up and sit down next to me.” Aaron climbed on torepparttar 110573 chair. With his shoulders hunched, he looked down atrepparttar 110574 floor. He wanedt to play and have fun but now he couldn’t. Humiliation engulfed him. What must his cousins think of him? When his mother’s name was called, she got up to leave. Aaron quickly slid out of his chair and tearfully ran toward her. She turned and said, “You can stay and Carrie can read to you.” “But we always go together!” Aaron wailed. His mother stretched out her hand and he gratefully took it. Aaron playfully tiptoed back intorepparttar 110575 waiting room. He smiled broadly when his cousins noticed. Carrie asked, “Shall we read your book while we wait?” He nodded. As she read, he began to act outrepparttar 110576 parts he knew so well. Visuals are natural actors. Their vivid imaginations expand onrepparttar 110577 stories, often in humorous ways. Aaron walked aroundrepparttar 110578 tiny room like an elephant. Soon he was another animal. Aaron was content in his imaginary world. He wasn’t rowdy and I enjoyed his amusing antics. Although Aaron’s mother maintained firm discipline, she recognized his need for a creative outlet. When she started to leave without him and he protested, she realized he wanted to do what they usually do, get their shots together. Visuals like routine because they can visualize it.

The principal desire for Wholistic Children is to be treated like an adult. Since Wholistic children see themselves as adults, usually they are well behaved unless they’re tired, bored or resentful. Then they will cry or whine or become testy. They’re comfortable with adults and feel resentful when told they can’t do something because they’re not old enough. How different is Aaron’s story as a Wholistic. Aaron ran over torepparttar 110579 chairs and sat down. He told Curt to sit on one side of him and Carrie onrepparttar 110580 other. This was something new and fun! He wasn’t just with his mother. Aaron started talking aboutrepparttar 110581 allergy injection. He showed howrepparttar 110582 nurse squeezes his arm to make a “hill” and then gives himrepparttar 110583 shot. “That way,” he said boastfully, “it hurts only a little bit.” Aaron pointed outrepparttar 110584 children’s books. “I know all of them,” he said. “Would you like one?” he asked Carrie, hopefully. She nodded. Carrie started reading but it was going too slowly. Aaron was quickly getting bored. “I’ll read,” he said. He tookrepparttar 110585 book and started tellingrepparttar 110586 story. He zipped throughrepparttar 110587 book and ran for another one. He continued until allrepparttar 110588 books were finished. Aaron’s mother got called to go for her injection. Aaron immediately asked if he could stay with his cousins. She agreed. When it was his turn, he asked Curt to join him. When they came back, sincerepparttar 110589 books were done, he started talking about whatever came to mind. Asrepparttar 110590 minutes ticked by, boredom struck. He got offrepparttar 110591 chair and crawled underneath. “I’m in my cave and if you get too close, I’ll eat you,” he squealed delightedly. He tickledrepparttar 110592 back of Carrie’s legs. She let out a yell and stood up. Aaron laughed uproariously. He pushed his head againstrepparttar 110593 back of Curt’s legs. “If you don’t openrepparttar 110594 door right now, I’ll bite you!” Curt parted his legs and Aaron squirmed through. The game was over. Restlessness swept over Aaron again and he began to whimper. He heard thunder and perked up. “Can I go seerepparttar 110595 storm?” he asked. Carrie volunteered to take him outside. The change was instantaneous. He went from looking completely wilted to a happy, bubbly boy, gleefully running torepparttar 110596 door. After a few minutes he burst intorepparttar 110597 room. “Mommy, you should seerepparttar 110598 rainbow. Hurry before it goes away!” Ah,repparttar 110599 wonderful, exciting world of new things to explore and investigate. Wholistics are creative and imaginative. At home they can play for a long time by themselves. Their fantasies carry them in many challenging directions and they’re content. Can you identify your children’s primary perceptual styles from this story?

Carol Welsh, M.S. is the author of “Stop When You See Red.” She has over 25 years experience as a speaker and is a frequent guest on talk shows. Website is

Baby Names - Choosing Trendy or Traditional

Written by Barbara Freedman-De Vito

Continued from page 1

Robert, onrepparttar other hand, has survivedrepparttar 110570 vicissitudes of baby name popularity. It held a coveted spot onrepparttar 110571 top ten most popular baby names list every year from 1896 torepparttar 110572 late 1980s, often peaking at number 1 betweenrepparttar 110573 1920s andrepparttar 110574 1950s. It has gradually slipped sincerepparttar 110575 1990s, but still managed to holdrepparttar 110576 respectable slot of number 35 in 2003.

When naming a baby there are, of course, many other points to consider besides how popular or unique a name is. Here are some helpful tips that you can use with your other children to get them involved in choosing a name forrepparttar 110577 new baby and to makerepparttar 110578 process fun:

1. Baby names need to go nicely withrepparttar 110579 sound of your last name. Also, pick a first name and a middle name that go together well. (So maybe not something like Erasmus Beelzebub Smith !)

2. When your family finds a name you all like, look atrepparttar 110580 initials to be sure that you don't giverepparttar 110581 new baby a name with initials that will make people laugh. (So maybe not Pamela Iris Green, which equals P.I.G. !)

3. You might not want a baby name that is so unusual thatrepparttar 110582 other kids will make fun of your little brother or sister as he or she grows up. (So maybe not Rosebud or Molasses !) 4. You also might not want a baby name that is so trendy that it will sound funny byrepparttar 110583 timerepparttar 110584 baby is ten years old. (So maybe not Sunshine !)

5. You probably shouldn't pick a name that's really cute for an adorable little baby but will sound silly whenrepparttar 110585 baby grows up. (So maybe not Dimples !)

6. Avoid baby names that might produce insulting nicknames when people shorten them. (So maybe not Smellonius, or Smelly for short !)

7. You and your family might not want a name that is so hard to spell or to pronounce that people will always get it wrong and your poor little brother or sister will have to go through life correcting people. (So maybe not something like Incandescence, or is it Incandessints ? ) 8. You and your family might want to pick baby names in honor of favorite relatives or ancestors, or special names that show your family's ethnic roots. You might even find a special name from a book or movie that you love. (Like Harry ?)

9. You might want to look through books of baby names and pick one that has a special meaning that you like - maybe something that means "sweet" or "kind" or "brave." (So maybe not wimp !) 10. You might want to think about names that will go nicely with your name and your other brothers' and sisters' names, so that if mom or dad are calling you all for dinner or signing a birthday card to grandma it won't sound too crazy. (So maybe not "Happy Birthday, Grandma ! Love, Joey, Cindy and Dweevo !")

There are hundreds of names waiting for you out there, so good luck on your search forrepparttar 110586 perfect name !

Barbara Freedman-De Vito, professional storyteller, teacher and artist, has a website with baby clothes, children's clothing and gift items decorated with her colorful and amusing artwork for kids. Visit Baby Bird Productions Children's Clothing and Baby Clothes at

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