Booty Grabbing at Your Place of Worship?

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Continued from page 1

Deb Matthews in "True Christian Stories": "There was just one problem withrepparttar church! Atrepparttar 123095 end ofrepparttar 123096 song services,repparttar 123097 pastor would always tellrepparttar 123098 congregation, 'Turn around and shake hands with someone, or if you're a woman, give another woman a hug.' Most ofrepparttar 123099 time, I would just shake hands withrepparttar 123100 people around me, or a woman next to me might just put her arm around my shoulder and give me a gentle sideways hug. But there was this one woman that went all overrepparttar 123101 place giving these big bear hugs to everyone, man or woman. I got to where I would check out where she was sitting and make sure I was a long way away from her. But it didn't seem to matter where I sat -- she still seemed to end up over where I was and give me one of those smothering hugs. The church was great except for all that hugging business." [she goes on to explain how she "overcame" her dread of being hugged !]


It's not justrepparttar 123102 hugging. Merilee recently visited a friend in Alabama and was taken to a Sunday service. There was a huge video screen inrepparttar 123103 front ofrepparttar 123104 room which scrolledrepparttar 123105 lyrics torepparttar 123106 hymns, members ofrepparttar 123107 congregation got up to get coffee or cold drinks whenever they wanted, there was a live band with guitar, saxophone and keyboard, and an elaborate sound system. Merilee is an infp introvert and she said it was a bombardment of sounds, lights and people which kept her separated from any sense ofrepparttar 123108 spiritual. The children were elaborately dressed in expensive Victorian era clothing and, although truly adorable, their presence inrepparttar 123109 service was also a distraction to Merilee's sense ofrepparttar 123110 divine.

Elle explains in her GARDEN BLOG, "When I got torepparttar 123111 church, openedrepparttar 123112 door and sawrepparttar 123113 room full of unknown people, I remembered my usual madness. I froze. I stood atrepparttar 123114 door, surveyedrepparttar 123115 room and was overwhelmed. These were my initial observations. It was loud. Way too loud. There was singing, shouting and dancing and I made a mental note to pinch Xxx for not getting me there and seated beforerepparttar 123116 hoopla began. This was a small room and a small congregation. There were musicians, a few people (not enough to be called a choir) singing and I was instantly uncomfortable. Not that I have a problem with praise and worship, but my few experiences with church have been very different. Usually there's a very quiet service where people give 'talks'and a choir sings a celestial rendition of Onward Christian Soldiers. This was not that."

Here are critiques of three churches in Maryland by someone who identifies himself only as "Bob". I have taken out all references to denomination so, exclusively onrepparttar 123117 basis ofrepparttar 123118 form ofrepparttar 123119 service, which of these churches would you like to go to?


Church 1 Excellent musical accompaniment torepparttar 123120 service was performed by a choir of 12 men, percussion, electronic keyboard, saxophone and guitar. This first class entertainment was applauded duringrepparttar 123121 service and some songs got deserved standing ovations. Hugging happy greeter. Church started late because of talking and socializing. Laughter and applause joinedrepparttar 123122 energetic sermon.

Church 2 Mostly older adults. Some local families. College students. This isrepparttar 123123 church for Xxx College. Wooden pews. Small choir. Everyone sings. Flute and piano. Quiet. Everyone is attentive. Impromptu humor. No pressure to join. Educational lecture as part of service.

Church 3 The ritual to follow andrepparttar 123124 hymns to sing are printed inrepparttar 123125 handout for everyone to easily participate. All hymns fromrepparttar 123126 18th century. Folding chairs. Mostly adults. Individuals. No hand shaking during service. Easy to hear. Visitor may remain anonymous.

If you picked #2 of #3, chances are you're an introvert.

Despiterepparttar 123127 humorous title of this article, excessive friendliness during worship seems contrived and uncomfortable to many introverts and may be keeping us away from communal worship in droves. If this isrepparttar 123128 case with you, I encourage you to look further afield until you find a temple, church or synagogue that hnorsrepparttar 123129 intoverted way! And don't forget to be heard. We have a voice and it's a legitimate one. How will they know if we don't tell them?

Nancy R. Fenn is The IntrovertZCoach. Learn more and find resources, support, humor and encouragement for introverts at

The Encounter

Written by Gloria Minatti

Continued from page 1

I felt as if I was in a trance. Time went by, but I don’t know how much. I just stood there. I could still perceive objects around me, but it seemed that they were far away. It was as if I was looking intorepparttar realm I was in, but actually I was now in another. I began to seerepparttar 123094 most beautiful garden filled with fruit trees, and magnificent flowers. The sun was so bright, but I could look into it. It didn’t hurt my eyes to gaze at it. My body started to feel warm, but it was a pleasant feeling. I felt as if I was floating, and I let myself go. The thought came to my mind that I was dying within six months, so I had nothing to lose by surrendering myself to this feeling.

I came to a lake that wasrepparttar 123095 color of sapphire. It was calm and serene, as I watched it flow ofrepparttar 123096 waves ripple before me. There was no one else here, not even an animal. It was only nature portraying itself to me. I sat down onrepparttar 123097 grass that was as soft as cotton, and just watchedrepparttar 123098 water. As I did this thoughts came to my mind of my life. I saw how I treated my neighborrepparttar 123099 other day. It was not very hospitable of me. I saw that I had so much bitterness in my heart forrepparttar 123100 things that happened in my life. I then saw my face inrepparttar 123101 water for it had become transparent like a mirror. I could see this ugly scowl on my face, and thought to myself how grotesque I looked.

As I saw these things I began to experience great pain in my body. It was excruciating. I held my stomach as that was where most ofrepparttar 123102 pain seemed to be coming from. I thought ofrepparttar 123103 cancer in my body at that moment, and how it was ravishing my insides. Attacking every organ of my reproductive system, and there was nothing I could do about it. I could get treatments, chemotherapy, or even surgery, and hope that it would solverepparttar 123104 problem; but I had no means for any of them. Now I feltrepparttar 123105 emotion of anger well up in me. I felt betrayed and abandoned by God. How could He allow this to happen to me? Didn’t He see all my good deeds that I have done? Does He not know that I am an active member in my community? This is not supposed to happen to people like me, but to those who are mean and never think to say a kind word to another person. That wasn’t me!

It was then forrepparttar 123106 first time in my life I heard God speak to me. Don’t ask me how I know it was Him. I just knew that it was. He told me that what was occurring onrepparttar 123107 inside of me was due torepparttar 123108 things I had been doing onrepparttar 123109 outside. For years He had been calling me, pleading with me to come to Him, but I refused. Now I was alone, and there was no one I really trusted. He wanted me to trust Him. This was my only hope for restoration. He told me I had this type of cancer because it involved my reproductive system. This is how a child is brought forth, and when there is any malfunction in that area, it is impossible to conceive. He showed me how my bitter thoughts had gone unnoticed for so long. They had become a part of my being, and was now producing cancerous thoughts in my mind. I could no longer produce or even conceive positive thoughts about myself, let alone for someone else. This wasrepparttar 123110 reason forrepparttar 123111 distrust.

He was more concerned withrepparttar 123112 mental cancer that was ravishing my mind than He was aboutrepparttar 123113 physical cancer. It was at that moment I broke down and cried. There were tears that I didn’t realize I had in me. It was like a dam opening up, a fountain overflowing, a pipe bursting. My insides began to quake, and I screamed atrepparttar 123114 top of my lungs, “forgive me, God.”

Suddenly, there was a bright light, and then I passed out. When I came to, I felt a warm sensation in my belly. It felt as if there were hands inside my belly moving. It was as if someone was performing surgery on me right then and there. I then recognized that I was back in my living room lying onrepparttar 123115 floor. Just thenrepparttar 123116 door opened and my kids came in. They came over and helped me up ontorepparttar 123117 couch. They were concerned that I was lying onrepparttar 123118 floor, and asked me what happened. I relayed as much as I could to them, but they only stared at me bewildering. I rememberedrepparttar 123119 last words I said to them before my family showed up atrepparttar 123120 door. “I am healed of cancer!” I knew it with all my heart and being. When I let go of all those negative emotions that were eating away at me for 20 years, a miracle took place in my body.

That day a miraculous feat was performed in my consciousness that forever changed my way of thinking. It changedrepparttar 123121 whole course of my life. It was another chance to berepparttar 123122 woman that I was destined to be. I am grateful for another chance at life and vowed that I would not waste one minute of it. It was confirmed byrepparttar 123123 doctors that a miracle was truly performed in me. They too have to a greater reverence forrepparttar 123124 unknown. May we all come torepparttar 123125 place of surrender, and know thatrepparttar 123126 joy ofrepparttar 123127 true reality of life is within us.

She is founder of Beyond the Veil Newsletter distributed around the world, also Founder of Man's Restored Image Ministries Inc.. She is an ordained minister with 18 years of experience in spiritual studies. Ms. Minatti’s spiritual journey directed her to minister to basketball legend/entrepreneur Michael Jordan. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, and a licensed Fitness/Nutrition Specialist.

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