Book Summary:Turbo Strategy

Written by Regine Azurin

Continued from page 1

Develop Strategic Business Units The strategic business unit concept revolutionized multi-product or multi-service businesses; each ofrepparttar products is grouped with similar products or services in different ways. The starting point of implementation is to have someone specifically responsible forrepparttar 103043 operations and results ofrepparttar 103044 unit. To make this work, you begin by drawing up a complete business plan that would include sales revenue, costs and profitability.

Sell More Effectively The fact is that 80 percent of your markets have not yet been approached by your salespeople. No one has told them about you. Your business could be probably being selling twice as much if you could just find out how to sell it to them.

Eliminaterepparttar 103045 Bottlenecks There are two important steps that you need to take. First, decide on your specific business goals; make them clear, measurable and time-bounded. The next step is askingrepparttar 103046 question: “why am not in that goal already?”

Reengineer Your Company To simplify and streamline your operations so that it is more efficient, faster and more effective and therefore more profitable, you have to reducerepparttar 103047 number of steps in each process. You have to simplifyrepparttar 103048 processes and make faster and better decision.

Pump Up Your Profits Conduct a complete profit analysis on every product. You must also remember that labor has a real “opportunity” cost along with other use of other resources especially in a multi-product or multi-services business.

Focus on Results All your customers care about is results. They do not care much about your problems with your people, products, processes or any other aspects of your business.

There are four questions that customers answer before buyingrepparttar 103049 product or service. These are:

What does it cost? What do I get forrepparttar 103050 money? How fast do I getrepparttar 103051 benefits you promise? How sure can I be that I will get those benefits?

Seven Steps to Personal Performance

Step 1: Set clear, specific, written goals for each important area of your business. Make them measurable and time-bound. Step 2: Make a list of activities before you begin a day, put it on paper. The best time to do this is before you go to bed sorepparttar 103052 subconscious mind can work on your list as you sleep. Step 3: Set priorities onrepparttar 103053 list you made. Applyrepparttar 103054 80/20 rule and selectrepparttar 103055 top 20 percent of your tasks to work on. Step 4: Practice creative procrastination. Since there are only 24 hours in a day, decide in advance which of those tasks have little value or importance can you do away with. Step 5: Selectrepparttar 103056 one most important job and haverepparttar 103057 discipline to accomplish that first thing. Step 6: Practice single-handling withrepparttar 103058 most important task you have identified. Resolve to work on it until it is resolved. Step 7: Develop a sense of urgency. The faster you move, repparttar 103059 more work you get done andrepparttar 103060 better you feel. This will create momentum.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers for Busy Executives and Entrepreneurs

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Regine Azurin is the President of, a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs.

Success is no accident.

Written by Mike Hayden

Continued from page 1

(Now there's an opportun'ity if I ever saw one!)

Most businesses fail because they fail to use a proven system. Conversely, most businesses that use a proven system succeed.

============================================================ Whether you're an employee or an owner, will your business berepparttar 1 in 20 that survives? ============================================================

The way for a company to survive is to create a system, a "recipe," for makingrepparttar 103042 business work.

But wait! A recipe is more than ingredients. A good recipe includesrepparttar 103043 right process!

"If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." W. Edwards Deming (1900 - 1993)

Here is an overview ofrepparttar 103044 basic 7-step process (actually a loop) that I discussed in PVT 5. Let's review:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Assess current conditions (what does incoming communications tell you n0w?)

2. Communicate your intentions (promote your purposes and delegate downward)

3. Organize resources for producing your product

4. Produce your product

5. Qualify your product (does it pass muster?)

6. Distribute (deliver) your product

7. (Return to step 1.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

People make a big mistake starting in Step 4. They think that their product isrepparttar 103045 COMMODITY (chocolate cake).

Thus, they omitrepparttar 103046 most important products that make long-term success possible. The most important products are their proprietary recipes and processes - andrepparttar 103047 company itself!

These products must be developed refined, proven, and kept up-to-date. (Unfortunately, most people don't realizerepparttar 103048 company is a product.)

To achieve this, you must include your proprietary recipes and processes - andrepparttar 103049 company itself in all 7 steps! If you don't, your focus will remain onrepparttar 103050 COMMODITY andrepparttar 103051 technical work. And you can kiss your Entrepreneurial Dream goodbye!

My critical message is this:

According to research, most businesses fail because of "management incompetence" andrepparttar 103052 solution is for management to build success into your business processes.

If what I've said is true for a business, what is true for individual employees? I will discuss that issue in next week's PVT. Don't miss it!

Success is no accident. Success leaves clues. You can create success on purpose.

You decide.

What did you learn today that you found most beneficial? How will you apply what you have learned at work? Comments are welcome.

Until next week...

Best Regards,

Mike Hayden, Principal/Consultant Your partner in streamlining business.

PS. If you're not on our P V T Roster, sign up (fr#e) at:

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(c) 2005 Mike Hayden, All rights reserved. You may use material fromrepparttar 103053 Profitable Venture Tactics eZine in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live website links and email link.

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Mike Hayden is Founder/CEO of Senior Management Services and the Documentation Express in Silicon Valley, California. Mr Hayden is the author of "7 Easy Steps to your Raise and Promotion in 30-60 Days! The book that smart bosses want their employees to read." ISBN 0-9723725-1-2. More articles at

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