Boo Hoo RIAA

Written by Ed Howes

Continued from page 1

The new popularity of singles also allowsrepparttar artist to profit without takingrepparttar 104996 time and effort to compile an album and we have come full circle. Free down loading also presents new marketing opportunities for entrepreneurs. The mass marketing Columbia House mail order giant used to featurerepparttar 104997 selection ofrepparttar 104998 month forrepparttar 104999 designated format for each member. Then they added discounts to moverepparttar 105000 slow movers. They gave thumbnail reviews for their selections ofrepparttar 105001 month.

I have subscribed to a few audio magazines overrepparttar 105002 years. Reviews often influenced my buying decisions. A good review could induce me to buy an album by an artist I did not usually care for. It could discourage me from buying an album from one I normally did, and I feltrepparttar 105003 reviews helped me avoid disappointment and got me to hear things I liked and might have missed.

Reviews are irrelevant to anyone who only acquires free music, but how many of us might subscribe to a really good review magazine that also marketed music from independent producers through mail order? The magazine can be print or electronic. Reviewers, people who can listen objectively and write about what they hear, would get free music to review and possibly compensation for writingrepparttar 105004 review.

There are many of us who likerepparttar 105005 lyric sheets and commentaries that come with industry CDs. Many of us would gladly pay for that, even if we take some free music. The free music then becomesrepparttar 105006 equivalent ofrepparttar 105007 old record shops that would play you a single inrepparttar 105008 store, in hopes you would buy. Albums put an end to that. Now we can sample a few singles and decide whether to buy an album orrepparttar 105009 singles themselves.

I say, let new mail order companies and producers add value torepparttar 105010 music itself inrepparttar 105011 packaging andrepparttar 105012 artists will receive fair compensation. The RIAA will gorepparttar 105013 way ofrepparttar 105014 dinosaur and we will all be better for it. Boo Hoo.

A freelance writer published on various websites and newspapers.

Can one plane "do it all?"

Written by Pat Redmond

Continued from page 1

Your choice of airplane is a critical one and too often we buy with our emotions and then later regret our decisions. Takerepparttar time to envision yourself and your family/business associates inrepparttar 104995 airplane, and makingrepparttar 104996 usual trip. Are you relaxed? Is everyone comfortable? Ifrepparttar 104997 answer is not YES, your business/family flights will probably be short-lived.

Once you've determined your needs, it's time to look at your finances. Yes, you read that correctly! Determinerepparttar 104998 right airplane FIRST and then decide how you're going to pay for it. That comment doesn't sound like one that would come fromrepparttar 104999 daughter of a conservative accountant. . .

However, if you purchaserepparttar 105000 wrong airplane forrepparttar 105001 right money, you're sure to:

1. Not fully utilize your airplane 2. Spend too much money trying to make it what you wanted inrepparttar 105002 first place 3. Get hurt!

(Dad would agree with that!)

Instead, chooserepparttar 105003 right airplane and learn about different options available to help you pay for it. You can learn about some of these options by downloadingrepparttar 105004 teleclass:

"Secrets ofrepparttar 105005 Aircraft Finance Companies"

at: eleclass_schedule.htm

Choosingrepparttar 105006 right airplane is SUCH an important decision! Do your homework and buy a plane that will be easily integrated into your lifestyle: business AND personal .

You can comparerepparttar 105007 features of several aircraft by downloadingrepparttar 105008 Spec sheets at:


Pat Redmond helps business owners who are tired of long lines and baggage claims, fly their way to freedom! Enjoy dinner with your family tonight! To learn more about the General Aviation Business, sign up for FREE aircraft purchase tips and tools, visit her site at

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