Body Language Before Dog Bites

Written by Adam G. Katz

Continued from page 1

1. The mouth. A dog will always pull has mouth closed tight just before he bites.

2. Body language. The dog's body language will get stiff and still just before he bites. Especially watchrepparttar stillness. It's very subtle, but atrepparttar 125718 same time very noticeable once you train your eye to look for it.

There are other things that you could look for depending onrepparttar 125719 dog andrepparttar 125720 type of aggression. However, you need to recognize that there are ALWAYS cues... it's just a matter of whether we are quick enough (or aware enough) to catch them.

To read more of my dog training ramblings, read about my book (click below): Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!

Author, “Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!“ which you can read more about at:

5 Surefire Ways to Show Your Dog You’re The Boss

Written by Charlie Lafave

Continued from page 1

3. Don’t Walk Around Your Dog Does your dog lie onrepparttar floor and expect you to walk around him? Inrepparttar 125717 wild, dominant dogs lie wherever they want, and dogs lower inrepparttar 125718 social order go around so they don’t disturbrepparttar 125719 Big Dog. If you walk around your dog, he will assume this to be an act of submission on your part; therefore he must berepparttar 125720 leader, not you. If your dog is lying inrepparttar 125721 middle ofrepparttar 125722 hallway, or right in front of your easy chair, make him move. If he’s onrepparttar 125723 couch and you want to lie down, make him move. Don’t step over him. Just gently nudge him and make him get out of your way. You’rerepparttar 125724 Big Dog, remember?

4. You Determine When Your Dog Gets Attention Even asking for attention or affection can be seen as an act of dominance from your dog’s point of view. Dogs that demand attention are asserting dominance, so if your dog gets pushy, ignore him. When you’re ready to give him attention or affection or pet or play with him, ask him to sit first. Don’t run after him just so you can pet him. Make him come to you when you’re ready to give him attention, or play with him. And when you play with a toy, make sure that you end up with possession ofrepparttar 125725 toy, and then putrepparttar 125726 toy away when you’re done. (Note: I’m not talking about his favorite toys that you leave in his crate. I’m talking about play toys thatrepparttar 125727 two of you use for games.)

5. Don’t Let Your Dog Sleep In Your Bed This is a tough one for a lot of people, but when you let your dog share your bed, at best you’re making him an equal to you. He should have his own bed, either a dog pad or his crate that he feels comfortable in – you can even putrepparttar 125728 dog pad next to your bed if that makes both of you happier – but don’t let him take overrepparttar 125729 sleeping arrangements. Before you know it, he’ll be trying to make you sleep onrepparttar 125730 floor! Again, reinforcing or retraining your dog to recognize you asrepparttar 125731 Head Honcho has absolutely nothing to do with harsh discipline. These are changes you can make that will changerepparttar 125732 way your dog thinks about you. And making even small changes like these can have an enormous impact onrepparttar 125733 way your dog viewsrepparttar 125734 social hierarchy in your home – all without a harsh word being spoken!

Author, "Dog Training Secrets!" To transform your stubborn, misbehaving dog into a loyal, well-behaving "best friend" who obeys your every command and is the envy of the neighborhood, visit:

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