Body Image: Living in Our Bodies

Written by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist

Continued from page 1

These feelings of inadequacy and shame that both Maria and Heather have about their bodies and what they eat, and that so many women experience to one degree or another, is created and fuelled in a society that places more value on how women look than on what we think, feel or contribute. Women's physical attractiveness is such a big issue, particularly inrepparttar dominant white culture, that girls as young as seven years old are dieting.

Given society's obsession with appearances, particularly women's, it's no surprise then that many women believe that by changing their bodies, they can change their lives. But, this only makes matters worse. The more we focus on changing our body,repparttar 130992 more we will feel like a failure, disappointed at our lack of success or control, and ashamed, anxious and insecure that our body doesn't lookrepparttar 130993 way that we want it to. This inevitably takes us further and further away from our deeper self, leaving us feeling unsatisfied, lost, irritable, angry and depressed.

The challenge for all of us is to be ourselves, and to be in our bodies. When we live in our bodies, feel our feelings, and know our own perspective, we can't help but feel more connected and at peace with ourselves. When we judge our bodies we are taking an 'outsider' view, when what we really need is to learn how to live inside our bodies.

Finding a quiet place, taking a few deep breaths, and tuning in to how you feel is a good place to begin. Doing this for short periods of time each day, or as regularly as you can, increases your ability to do this more naturally. Everyone needs to find their own way of going inward. For some it is writing in a journal, meditating, yoga, dance, talking to other people, joining a support group, therapy, taking a bath, or getting a massage. Anything that assists you to focus inward and to connect with how you feel in your body, not how your body looks, is helpful.

Whichever route you take to connect more deeply with yourself is your choice. Try not to get discouraged if at first you don't feel any changes, it may take some time and there are other methods to try. There are some excellent exercises in Marcia Hutchinson’s book, 200 Ways To Love The Body You Have, that you can try. Remember there are probably a number of reasons why food and body image are issues for you. The process of feeling better about yourself may feel like a slow and long one, but definitely well worthrepparttar 130994 journey.

Recommended Readings: 200 Ways To Love The Body You Have, by Marcia Hutchinson. Transforming Body Image: Learning to Loverepparttar 130995 Body You Have, by Marcia Hutchinson When Food is Love, by Geneen Roth. All of Geneen Roth’s books are excellent!

© Kali Munro, 2000.

Kali Munro, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist in private practice with twenty years experience. She offers free healing resources at her site,

Bringing Out The Best in Your Relationship

Written by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist

Continued from page 1

8. Give understanding. Just as you deserve understanding and support, your partner does, too, and it does help to feel understood. Try to seerepparttar situation from her/his perspective, especially when you are in conflict.

9. Acknowledge your partner's feelings. You don't have to agree with someone to acknowledge and understand how they feel.

10. Give your partner lots of appreciation. Let your partner know how much you love her/him and why.

11. Accept your partnerrepparttar 130990 way she/he is. This doesn't mean that you don't ask her/him for behavioural changes, or that you accept, for example, being yelled at. It just means that you accept your partner as a person, and believe in her/his good intentions. Contrary to popular belief, really accepting someone brings outrepparttar 130991 best in them.

12. Don't make sweeping generalizations. No matter how tempting, try not to make sweeping generalizations like "You never...," "You are always...," "You are such a...." Besidesrepparttar 130992 fact that they are not true (no one doesrepparttar 130993 same thing allrepparttar 130994 time, in every situation), they are hurtful statements that leave people feeling bad about themselves, and can feed into a lack of motivation for change. "If I never do anything right, why bother?"

13. Have complaint sessions. Sometimes couples build up resentments that need airing. It can help to have a "complaint session." One person starts by saying allrepparttar 130995 things that are bothering her/him, while their partner listens and encourages them to continue by saying, "what else?" Sometimes by delving deeper,repparttar 130996 one who is complaining realizes that there's more torepparttar 130997 complaints than what s/he originally thought. The one complaining may start out angry but often will soften, and become more aware of what is really bothering her/him, and what s/he needs. The listener's job is to listen, without comment, and to try not to take it personally. What you are hearing is an indication of how frustrated or angry your partner is right now. Keep in mind that it's not all about you, even if most ofrepparttar 130998 anger is being directed at you. You can switch roles whenrepparttar 130999 first person is done, or at a later time.

14. Take time out. When a conflict is not going anywhere, it can help to take some time away from your partner. Couples usually make up rules about time out, such as don't leaverepparttar 131000 house, and having a set amount of time forrepparttar 131001 time out, like 30 minutes, before checking back in with each other about whether or not they can continuerepparttar 131002 discussion. In cars, time out can just mean that no one talks for a set amount of time. Either partner can call time out, and it should mean immediate silence for an agreed-upon time. It is always better to haverepparttar 131003 amount of time set prior to an argument, or you will argue about that! Some couples don't set a specific amount of time, but remain silent for a while, and when they have calmed down enough to feel compassion, they check in with each other about their mutual readiness to continuerepparttar 131004 conversation or to let it go for now.

15. Listen carefully. If your partner is trying to tell you something and you don't understand, listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, check out what you think they are saying, and keep trying to understand. Many arguments arise from our not really listening to each other, or assuming that we know whatrepparttar 131005 other person is saying without checking it out first. It is always best to check that you understoodrepparttar 131006 other person correctly.

Of course, you won't be able to follow these guidelines one hundred percent ofrepparttar 131007 time, and that's okay; no one can. But if you want your relationship to be based on respect, compassion, and clear communication, it's a good idea to try to follow these guidelines or others that work for you, as much as possible.

© Kali Munro, 2000.

Kali Munro, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto, Canada. She has twenty years experience specializing in a variety of issues including sexual abuse, relationships, sexuality, eating disorders, and body image. She provides individual and couple therapy in Toronto, as well as online. She offers free healing resources at her web site about relationships, abuse, sexuality, and much more. Check out her inspiring and healing site

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