Blueprint For A Comprehensive Business Plan

Written by Tanner Larsson

Continued from page 1

- Company and Industry Give full background information onrepparttar origins and structure of your venture andrepparttar 103384 characteristics of its industry

- Products or Services Give a complete but concise description of your product or service, focusing on its unique attributes. Explain how customers will benefit from using your product or service, instead of those of your competitors.

- Market and Competition Provide data that will persuaderepparttar 103385 investor that you understand your target market and can achieve your sales goals. Be sure to identifyrepparttar 103386 strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.

- Management Summarizerepparttar 103387 background and qualifications ofrepparttar 103388 principle, directors, and key management personnel in your company. Include resumes inrepparttar 103389 appendix.

- Marketing Strategy Provide projections of sales and marketing share and outline a strategy for identifying and contacting customers, setting prices, providing customer services, advertising, and so forth. Whenever possible, include evidence of customer acceptance, such as advance product orders.

- Design and Development Plans If your product requires design or development, describerepparttar 103390 nature and extent of what needs to be done, including costs and possible problems.

- Operations Plan Provide information onrepparttar 103391 facilities, equipment and labor needed.

- Overall Schedule Forecast development ofrepparttar 103392 company in terms of completion dates for major aspects ofrepparttar 103393 business plan.

- Critical Risks and Problems Identify all negative factors and discuss them honestly.

- Financial Projections and Requirements Include a detailed budget of start-up and operating costs, as well as projections for income, expenses, and cash flow forrepparttar 103394 first 3 years of business. Identifyrepparttar 103395 company’s financial needs and potential sources.

- Exit Strategy Explain how investors will be able to cash out or sell their investment, such as through a public stock offering, sale ofrepparttar 103396 company, or a buyback ofrepparttar 103397 investor’s interest. When covering these points, keep in mind that your audience wants short, concise information – not lengthy volumes – and realistic projections for growth.

For more information on starting a business and writing up a business plan, check outrepparttar 103398 Small Business Administration Website at

Keep in mind that sometimesrepparttar 103399 greatest service a business plan can provide an entrepreneur isrepparttar 103400 realization thatrepparttar 103401 concept just won’t work. Discovering this on paper can save you tons of time and money.

Tanner Larsson is a veteran entrepreneur and the publisher of the award winning Work At Home Success Newsletter. Subscribe to his newsletter and recieve 4 EXCLUSIVE Bonuses valued at $276.

Would You Too Fall For $3500 Weekly Scam?

Written by Fazly Mohamed

Continued from page 1

It doesn't happen with an opportunity that promises quick money. A good business may not be profitable within first 10 days, or perhapsrepparttar first month or even more. But when it pulls $700 a month, it continues to pull that amount and if you operate it successfully, it will only grow.

People are spending countless money onrepparttar 103383 businesses that sell yourepparttar 103384 dreams and on get-rich-quick schemes. These can be okay for today and tomorrow, but not forrepparttar 103385 next month and thereafter. Anybody intends to make a living online must start their own business at some point in time. Quicker,repparttar 103386 better. It takes some experience to operate a decently profitable business online. Earlier you start your online business, quicker you are going to get its rewards.

Fazly Mohamed publishes the Online Business Basics at, an all in one resource for any newbie interested in starting their own profitable online business.

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