Blogs for Kids

Written by S. Housley

Continued from page 1

5.) Improved Editing Skills Proofreading is an important skill that is difficult to teach. Editing of daily entries will help children learn how to present their ideas clearly and professionally.

6.) Improved Spelling Automated spell-checking helps children be aware of spelling errors when they occur.

7.) Typing Getting children acquainted with keyboards at a young age will help them become familiar with their layout and function, quickly making them proficient typists.

Resource for Blogging Information -

Because blogging involvesrepparttar Internet, parents and teachers should also takerepparttar 110835 opportunity to educate youngsters aboutrepparttar 110836 dangers ofrepparttar 110837 Internet. The Internet is global in its reach and developing safe Internet habits at a young age is critical. Remind children not to disclose personal information including names, addresses or location of events they plan to attend.

Staying Safe Online -

About the Author: Sharon Housley manages marketing for the NotePage and FeedForAll product lines. Other sites by Sharon can be found at , and

The Gifts We Give Our Dogs

Written by Carolyn Schweitzer

Continued from page 1

* More than half of U.S. households have pets, and many of them are including their "best friends" in holiday plans. * According to a survey conducted byrepparttar Pet Supplies "Plus" chain, 97% of its customers will buy gifts for their animals this Yuletide season. * 28% of owners will spend more on their pets than on their spouses when buying gifts. * 47% will spend more on their pets than on relatives other than their spouse. * 54% will spend more on their pets than on their in-laws. * 83% will wrap their pets' gifts. * 68% claim that their pets will unwrap presents themselves with their paws. * 71% will buy something practical for them.

Buying gifts for our pets is onlyrepparttar 110834 half it. If someone we know is a pet lover, we often show our support by givingrepparttar 110835 person a pet-related gift. And, sincerepparttar 110836 saying goes, "love me, love my dog", there's often pressure to throw in a little dog gift for Spike too. For a casual dog-loving aquaintance, our dog lover gift might be a simple coffee mug with a picture of their favorite dog breed. A set of plush doggie-themed golf club covers could make an amusing gift for a colleague. Maybe Aunt Janine has a collection of dog figurines we can add to. Or, atrepparttar 110837 other end ofrepparttar 110838 spectrum, one could splurge on a diamond-studded doggie themed bracelet forrepparttar 110839 wife (although I wouldn't recommend this as an anniversary gift. Unless you're verrry sure.) and a new house for Spike. The good news is, there's no shortage of goods and services to inspire evenrepparttar 110840 most rabid of dog lovers and dog gift shoppers. And dog lover gift shoppers. Whetherrepparttar 110841 names on your gift list are human or canine, you'll never run out of things to buy and places to shop. If you're one of those gifted gift givers who's never at a loss for what to get and where to find it I envy you. If you're more likerepparttar 110842 rest of us, and you need a little help, you'll find plenty of ideas online (Ahem!). You can also look for future articles in this series, in which I'll hone in on various ways you can pamper and rewardrepparttar 110843 dogs and dog lovers in your life. So go ahead, spoil your furry friends. Celebrate your love for your dog, and your sister in law's love for her dog. Shower them with goodies and gifts. It's a dog's life. And if I get to come back for another round, I want it to be as one of those lucky dogs!!

© 2004, Carolyn Schweitzer. Lifelong dog-lover, power-shopper, and former family dentist Carolyn Schweitzer is owner and editor of The site offers choices for dog gift shoppers, plus shopping and gift-giving tips. She's always looking for new dog gift ideas and dog stories to share with her readers. You can reach her by email at

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