Blame It On the Economy and Watch Your Profits Sink

Written by Stan Dubin

Continued from page 1

There are countless aspects of your business that you have control over. Those arerepparttar items that should occupy your time and focus. Complete focus. Torepparttar 106574 degree that you assignrepparttar 106575 source of a problem to "elsewhere", to that degree you will be incapable of handling your own scene.

Let's look at one more example of this. A dental practice considers it has "slow periods ofrepparttar 106576 year." One such period isrepparttar 106577 end ofrepparttar 106578 year. Numerous professionals believerepparttar 106579 end ofrepparttar 106580 year simply is not as productive as other parts of repparttar 106581 year. And of course they have statistics to back up this belief. Every year, December is just very slow.

Then there isrepparttar 106582 dentist who decided he wasn't going to have a slow December again. So, back in October and November, this dentist figured out a few things to do for December. He reminded his patients that most insurance companies do not allow you to carry over unused insurance from year to year. He offered his patients incentives to come in duringrepparttar 106583 holiday season. He just plain worked on it so that his December was not a "slow period." The result? He now no longer believes in "slow periods" and of course he hasrepparttar 106584 statistics to back up this new belief.

You can always find statistics to match a belief. If you believe you are going to have slow periods, you'll have them. Why generaterepparttar 106585 insight, focus and hard work to fix something that you know and believe is not fixable?

The same is true on a broader scale with "the economy". If you believe "the economy" isrepparttar 106586 basis for your declining revenues, you're in more trouble than you need to be. Anything that is outside of your immediate control is just that: outside of your immediate control. Put your total focus on your internal scene and get yourself busy improving things there.

Leave "elsewhere" alone.

Stan Dubin is the author of The Small Business Success Manual. For information on this book and a FREE business consultation, go to:

21 Secrets of Self Made Millionaires

Written by Sopan Greene

Continued from page 1

(11) STAY PHYSICALLY FIT. Strong minds create strong bodies. Weak bodies arerepparttar result of weak minds. Your physical and mental health arerepparttar 106573 core of your success in life.

(12) PRIORITIZE YOUR LIFE. Do what's most important first.

(13) DELIVER MORE THAN YOUR CUSTOMER EXPECTS. This builds loyalty and repeat business. It feels good too.

(14) DISCIPLINE YOURSELF. Fill your life with activities and people that make you grow. Discard activities that have negative results in your life.

(15) PAY YOURSELF FIRST. This isrepparttar 106574 first rule ofrepparttar 106575 wealthy. Put money into savings before you pay bills. And DON'T touch it. (16) MAKE TIME TO BE ALONE. This time is for planning and listening to what's inside you. Give your creativity time and silence to speak to you. (17) GO FOR GREATNESS. Valuerepparttar 106576 best and don't settle for less. (18) HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Know who you are and what you want. Express this with integrity at all times. (19) MAKE DECISIONS QUICKLY AND BE SLOW TO CHANGE THEM.

(20) FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. Your mindset is focused on success. You will have success.

(21) BE DETERMINED TO ATTAIN YOUR GOALS. Tenacious persistence builds confidence which leads to victory.

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