Black Bear Chasing Kid Style

Written by Robin Shortt

Continued from page 1

Here are some bear facts: The black bear is also seen in other colour phases, chocolate and cinnamon brown are also common. Black bears can reach weights of up to 700 lbs. Black bears roam a very large area even as much as 500 square miles. Black bears have been know to run as fast as a horse. A bear can bite through a tree as big around as a person's arm. Litter size may range from one to five cubs, but two is average. Male black bears regularly kill and eat bear cubs inrepparttar spring; biologists say as many as 50% of bear cubs lose their lives this way each year. Life span inrepparttar 125475 wild is 20 to 25 years. Mother black bears have not been known to attack in defence of its cubs A large number of fatal bear attacks in Ontario have occurred in areas not open to hunting.

As a tourist, I enjoyrepparttar 125476 site of seeing one of nature's rare sights. As a resident, black bears are seen, heard and feared all too often. The black bears’ future depends on how well Ontario Northland residents understand manage and tolerate them.

Robin Shortt is a father of five children and five step children and thoroughly enjoys the outdoors. He is also a Cub Scout leader,who sees the big picture when it comes to helping our children to love and explore the great outdoors. Visit: for more original content like this.

How To Choose The Right Resume Format

Written by Fayola Peters

Continued from page 1

The functional resume format is designed to emphasize your accomplishments and skills needed to dorepparttar job you’re applying for. This takesrepparttar 125474 spotlight of your work history, especially if there are gaps in you work history.

This resume format is for you if;

you’re changing careers; you’re re-enteringrepparttar 125475 job market; you’re skills and accomplishments are stronger than your work experience; you have little work experience. A functional resume format works especially well if you’re a recent graduate. Here’s a variation of this resume format.

Objective Skills Education Work Experience Activities and Honors References

Choosingrepparttar 125476 right resume format for you is a critical step in making a winning resume. And a resume is what get you a job interview, which in turn gets yourepparttar 125477 job. So be vigilant and know which resume format suits you best and use it.

------------------------------------------------------------------- Fayola Peters is a professional resume writer. Are You Looking for a Better Job? A professional resume will be yours... when A+ Resumes writes it. Our powerful resumes are designed to get you a job interview.


Fayola Peters is a professional resume writer. Are You Looking for a Better Job? A professional resume will be yours... when A+ Resumes writes it. Our powerful resumes are designed to get you a job interview.

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