Birthmarks on Babies

Written by Tony Luck

Continued from page 1

Port Wine Stains - asrepparttar name suggests, these marks are a reddy-purple in color and they can cover quite a large area.

Treatment Stork Bites require no treatment. Strawberry marks are usually treated with steriod cream or in extreme cases by laser. The only treatment for Port Wine marks is by laser.

Early treatment is more successful. Laser treatment is best started byrepparttar 110635 age of two and can take up to six treatments spread over three years.

Tony Luck runs a site where you can find help to choose your child's name.

Wedding Destination Tips From Two Gurus

Written by Norm Goldman, Editor of &

Continued from page 1


If you had to choose 5 ideal geographic wedding destinations fromrepparttar point of view of ambiance, costs, etc, which ones would you chose and why?

Denise and Alan:

Hawaii is probablyrepparttar 110634 best combo of both ambience and ease of use and no changing dollars into a foreign currency, a very developed tourist biz and so on. Specifically, we would recommendrepparttar 110635 north shore of Kauai inrepparttar 110636 summer; Maui orrepparttar 110637 Big Island inrepparttar 110638 winter.

Mexico offersrepparttar 110639 best value forrepparttar 110640 dollar. A falling dollar has made foreign travel pricey just about everywhere, butrepparttar 110641 peso remains a relative bargain for Americans. Resorts like Cabo, Cancun and Puerto Vallarta offer that beach wedding (and Caribbean water) at a discount price. Top pick: Cozumel, for its excellent snorkelling.

Telluride is our favorite mountain resort to tierepparttar 110642 knot, summer or winter. Winter lets you enjoy a world-class ski mountain; summer is hiking, white water rafting. A selection ofrepparttar 110643 top restaurants makes this a winner year around.

Orlando is amongrepparttar 110644 best bargains going and most airlines offer deals on air/hotel packages here andrepparttar 110645 raft of entertainment options is second to none. And its more than just Disney . . . you will find Universal, Sea World and a plethora of water parks.


Do you have any tips as to how couples can getrepparttar 110646 best value for their dollar when they are honeymooning?

Denise and Alan:

Two words: shoulder season. The shoulder season isrepparttar 110647 space between high and low seasons. No, you probably don't want to go to a tropical isle in August. How about April? Inrepparttar 110648 Caribbean, you can find great deals inrepparttar 110649 shoulder season after Easter but before summer vacation times.

Hawaii is cheapest rate after New Year's until mid March, when spring break crowds end deals. Deals also abound in Hawaii inrepparttar 110650 fall, from Labor Day until just before Christmas. Hence, November would be a great time to go for a honeymoon.

Fall is also a great time to visitrepparttar 110651 wine country of California orrepparttar 110652 Rocky Mountains on a honeymoon.


What arerepparttar 110653 5 most important factors, cost-wise, a future bride and groom should bear in mind when planning their wedding and why?

Denise and Alan:

Location, guest count, time of day and wedding style arerepparttar 110654 most important budget factors. Some thoughts:

Location: Where do you envisionrepparttar 110655 wedding? Reception? The location will drive much ofrepparttar 110656 cost. A hotel reception is much more expensive than a home wedding, for example.

Guest count. A no brainer this clearly impactsrepparttar 110657 budget!

Time of day. A 2pm wedding is much less expensive than an evening affair, Why? Guests already have had lunch and are not expecting dinner! Brunch or lunch reception are also less expensive than dinner.

Wedding style: Do you have envision a garden wedding? A beach-side ceremony? Or a formal Catholic mass? The style of your wedding is a major driver of costs.


How does one go about finding out aboutrepparttar 110658 different marriage regulations aroundrepparttar 110659 world? Is there a web site that we can click on et voilą we haverepparttar 110660 answer?

Denise and Alan:

Wish there was! Unfortunately, it takes a bit of surfing. Start by identifying which countries you are interested in: then Google their official tourism site. Most tourism bureaus now have wedding links on their front page . . . in a few clicks, you can find outrepparttar 110661 marriage requirements. Another idea: askrepparttar 110662 concierge ofrepparttar 110663 hotel or resort you are considering to be married at. Many now have wedding planners on staff.


How does one go about checking onrepparttar 110664 reliability of a hotel or resort when it pertains to service, food, etc especially ifrepparttar 110665 hotel or resort is located in another state, province or country?

Denise and Alan:

The web! Most wedding sites (including ours, have online message boards. You can chat with other brides and find other couples who have been married where you are considering . . . yes, that is possible! Of course, you can always ask for references fromrepparttar 110666 resort, but this can be unreliable. Sites like have detailed reviews of resorts by travellers and that can be very helpful.

Best wishes,

Alan & Denise

Norm Goldman is the editor of the travel site, and

Norm and his artist wife Lily are a unique husband and wife team. They meld words with art focusing on romantic destinations and hospitality properties.

Norm and Lily are always open to receive invitations from romantic destinations and hospitality properties in the USA.

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