Bill Paying Adding To Your Prosperity Feeling

Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1
See your bank account, your purse, your home, all filled to overflowing withrepparttar abundant prosperity thatrepparttar 138123 Universe has promised us all. We only have to look around in nature to see this abundance. You are loved and adored,repparttar 138124 rich children of a rich God/dess. Claim what is yours, see yourself having it now. I now pay bills gladly, knowing that my money helps to support other people who in turn provide services for me. If something breaks, I write a check and get it fixed without further concern. Free from cycles of scarcity, my attention can ascend to higher levels of awareness and experience. Money is neither god nor devil, but a form of energy. Like love or fear, it can serve you or bind you, depending upon how you manage it. By clarifying your goals and using your gifts, you can make good money, doing what you enjoy, while servingrepparttar 138125 highest calling of your soul. Using money wisely, and well, you share your material and spiritual wealth withrepparttar 138126 world. Dan Millman The Universe gives us a wonderful tool and that is mirroring. Our relationship to money mirrors our ability to get along with others and our ability to give and receive. Now I always have been a giver but I had to look atrepparttar 138127 fact I was not a very good receiver. Giving put me always in control to receive I had to let someone else be in control. So I had to let go of that one. I am a big fan of Catherine Ponder, author of The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. This book was quite eye opening for me in more ways than one. She talks about things either circulating or not circulating. That that does not circulate stagnates like dirty water on a pond, it stinks. Now I am learning to bring joy to my bill paying experience and that is what it is all about. If I want to have abundance I need to raise my vibration to that of joyful abundance. Then I will be abundance and prosperity and always have enough. I will berepparttar 138128 person I was visualizing always having this full bank account so I had no worries about money to pay bills.

Judi Singleton is a free lance writer, and publisher. She writes ten blogs a week you can subscribe to one of her blogs at

An Inspirational Poster Can Really Help!

Written by Rosana Hart

Continued from page 1

An amusing example of this once happened to my sister-in-law. Someone gave her and her husband an attractive poster that said something like "Caribbean Vacation" onrepparttar bottom and had a photograph of a beach scene. She put it up in a hallway in their house. A few months later, they happened to win a one-week vacation to a Caribbean island. Everyone laughed aboutrepparttar 138045 coincidence, but I guessed that it might have been more than just coincidence. They had a great trip, byrepparttar 138046 way.

Inspirational posters come in a variety of themes. Many draw on images of physical courage, while others have a more spiritual or religious message. I suppose you could call them motivational posters. And who couldn't use more inspiration?

Rosana Hart is a reference librarian turned webmaster. Visit her site at for a selection of popular posters and articles about their subjects.

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