BilderbergsWritten by Robert Bruce Baird
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That is another way of demeaning quest for honesty - simply put it down to a 'natural human act' when essence of cronyism is against good of society or of questionable ethic. Reading Hegel and Machiavelli gives one great insight into how well our leaders use and train us to be just kind of unethical people that will accept what they do in a big way. Thus we are accepting of it because we are used to doing same kind of thing. If you don't know your soul there is room to justify even incest and rape (especially in war). The dialectic or 'playing both ends against middle' is so well refined that we could easily be convinced there really is no better way - given nature of human beast. Recently coverage blackout on Bilderbergs (started in early 50s by Prince Bernhard of Netherlands as forwarded by OSS - nation not religious land [nether-land].) was lifted and Katharine Graham’s control of U.S. publishing interests seems to have diminished as a result. However, there are those who expect 'octopus' or Medusa has grown a new arm or head. The Masonic Order does this every time they get a little too well known and whenever an organization has a certain number of members. Thus we will see that they really are just important world leaders getting together and we will therefore reasonably expect that is all they ever were. Cecil Rhodes 'Round Table' even had a newsletter, and his Committee of 300 truly had all best of leaders. Who could suspect them of arranging wars (like Boer War that A & E has recently laid at his feet) in order to sell armaments or finance new political regimes like Hitler and Stalin (Rothschilds money went to both). Today it may be IMF or World Bank and arbitrage that provides insiders with all their productive output and interest earned. Who can say rich really deserve all tax breaks or national sweetheart deals and matching funds? Cecil Rhodes is an outgrowth of a high Masonic club that was supposedly outlawed in Bavaria and we will touch on Adam Weisthaupt and his Illuminati some more. They were founded on May 1st of same year U.S. Declaration of Independence (the famous one, rather than Mecklenburg one from North Carolina a year before) was instituted. May Day celebrations in Russia are held on that day for no other particular reason, are they? Wow! That is 'heavy' conspiracy talk, and I must be one of 'those who spend their lives looking for evil' as Barrett does say. But isn't that job of security people? And tell me who protects citizens and average Joe?

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at
| | Domestic Terrorism Versus National MilitarismWritten by Punkerslut
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Consider imprisonment of people never given right to a fair hearing or to council, in United States. This is currently situation as it is to detained prisoners in Cuba by U.S. government. An attempt to liberate those prisoners, by tearing down walls of prison, would be considered a terroristic act. In fact, I imagine it may be called treasonous, so that government can prosecute with possibility of death penalty. But, in fact, is it deniable that these "terrorists" are simply and actually fulfilling ideas of U.S. Constitution -- ideas which have been willingly betrayed by U.S. government. What would result of capture of these "terrorists" be? Certainly, imprisonment, possibly death. But, if courts uphold rights of these detainees, what is result? Will American politicians be indicted? Certainly not. It was fit to indict and charge Nazi party members after World War II, Nuremburg Trials, but that is irrelevant: they were charged by another government, but U.S. governm'nt is just as guilty as crimes against humanity -- but, to great regret of all good, decent peolpe, U.S. government is not crumbling. Even worse, U.S. government structure does not allow a system of checks or balances against elected officials, except against each other. The public is left at mercy of rapists and murderers. While some Anarchists view all states as equal in their injustice, I feel a bit more open-minded. Certainly, elected governments of Europe were more just than Nazi state of Europe, and certainly state of Czarist Russia and U.S.S.R. were with less equaity and peace than many elected, and even unelected, governments. While a king's injustice to rule over a people is wrong, just like an elected president's injustice to rule over a people is wrong, later is somewhat more susceptible to desirable results for people. A government that allows itself to be checked by public will remove corruption and injustice with a greater efficiency. Unfortunately, United States government, as well as other Western World Republics, does not allow this at all. While our government does allow a system of checking, it solely exsits between elected government officials. If government officials violate law or Constitution through their power, they are exempt from prison. Only for ruling class (or Capitalist class) is this exemption present. But when private citizens commit acts which upheld or defend law, or Constitution, or highest law (the will of people), they are prosecuted, jailed, and killed. No torture mechanism has been withheld. Individuals who oppose cruelty and inhumanity of government officials are given no justice within system. Yet once government oppresses freedom of poor, or minorities they are exempt from, any sort of imprisonment or punishment. National Militarism and Domestic Terrorism are different only by which is approved by an established power. The greatest reform government could accomplish would be its absolution, but that day may be far ahead of us. Until that day, I believe that government officilias must take legal responsibility for all their acts, and that those who uphold justice by breaking law must be allowed to defend themselves. People who have attended protests are beaten, raped, pepper sprayed, shot with rubber bullets, and murdered. The cops who oppress freedom of speech may be upholding law of tyrants, but they are doing everything they can to depress spirit of people to live freely. While protestors sit in jail cells for years for expressing their opinion, labelled as "terrorists," cops continue their onslaught on people and are called, "the law." The system is inherently unjust and good people will do all we can to fight it. That one day, we may be free. For Life, Punkerslut

Punkerslut (or Andy Carloff) has been writing essays and poetry on social issues which have caught his attention for several years. His website provides a complete list of all of these writings. His life experience includes homelessness, squating in New Orleans and LA, dropping out of high school, getting expelled from college for "subversive activities," and a myriad of other revolutionary actions.