Bible Verses for Your Wedding, Part II

Written by Deborah Spence

Continued from page 1

In reading these selections, you may find yourself reading beyondrepparttar verses. This is an excellent idea becauserepparttar 127047 context may surprise you in some cases. For example, Ruth 1:16 is a popular verse and is often used in weddings. (There are endless vocal music settings of this text as well, so don‘t rule this possibility out for your soloist.) While we think of this passage as being spoken by a man to a woman, or visa versa, as an affirmation of love and devotion, it is actually spoken by Ruth to her mother-in-law, Naomi! The story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz is certainly an entertaining tale. If you have time to readrepparttar 127048 whole saga, I encourage you to do so! It’s quite a story! So, again, try to takerepparttar 127049 time to read a few verses before and afterrepparttar 127050 main verses listed below. It could influence your decision.

How does one begin to narrowrepparttar 127051 choices? One thing to bear in mind is that many of these popular wedding Bible verses have been set to music. If you narrow your choices down to 5, but you only need to use 3, find out from your music director if any of your choices are set to music. You could then use those as vocal selections andrepparttar 127052 problem is solved. You can have them all!

And as for which ones to choose, you have some work ahead of you. Readrepparttar 127053 verses as a couple. Ask each other, "Does it speak to our situation?" "Does this sum up an important belief that we hold?" "Does this make us feel good or special when we read it?" And sometimes it’s simply a matter of what grabs you!

A word about translations and paraphrases: While many preferrepparttar 127054 King James Version forrepparttar 127055 sheer poetry ofrepparttar 127056 language,repparttar 127057 verses above read quite differently in other translations. Consider consulting Today's English Version, The New International Version,repparttar 127058 Revised Standard,repparttar 127059 New Revised Standard, The Good News Bible,repparttar 127060 New Living Translation,repparttar 127061 Jerusalem Bible, and many others for more modern language. The most appropriate version ofrepparttar 127062 Bible for a Jewish wedding isrepparttar 127063 Masoretic Text.

Your wedding is one ofrepparttar 127064 most important events in your life. Takerepparttar 127065 time to setrepparttar 127066 perfect tone for your married years by starting your ceremony preparations withrepparttar 127067 Bible.

© 2000, 2001, Deborah Spence and This article is offered to you free of charge, and you have permission to print it out to aid you in your ceremony preparations. Reproducing and selling this article for profit, however, is a copyright infringement and is not allowed.

Deborah Spence holds a Master's Degree in Sacred Music and has been involved with weddings for more than 20 years. As a church music director, she's been actively associated with the ceremonial side of weddings in a variety of settings.

Bible Verses for Your Wedding - Part I

Written by Deborah Spence

Continued from page 1
Ruth 1:16 The devotion of Ruth to a new family Song of Solomon 2:10-14, 16a The lover arrives in Spring to call for his bride Song of Solomon 8:6-7 A bride beseeches her lover to be faithful Isaiah 26:3-4 Trust in God Isaiah 43:1-7 Our redemption by God, and God's presence and love in our lives Isaiah 55:10-13 God's word feeds and nurtures us Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Our certain salvation and a new status Psalm 19 A Psalm praising God as creator Psalm 34:8 A Psalm of Thanksgiving. Vs. 8 is particularly nice for weddings which include Holy Communion. Psalm 98:1a, 4-6 A Psalm of praise Psalm 100 A Psalm of praise Psalm 119 The longest inrepparttar Bible,repparttar 127046 entire Psalm is a reflection on God's laws, with verses 1-16 reflecting on walking always in God's way. Psalm 127 A home built by God Psalm 128 The blessings of lives led by God Tobit 8:5-9 Tobias and Sarah praise God and acknowledge Him asrepparttar 127047 creator who ordained marriage. Tobias prays for mercy and that God allow him and Sarah to grow old together. (This isrepparttar 127048 only verse fromrepparttar 127049 Apocrypha.)

Part II of "Bible Verses for Your Wedding" will include suggestions fromrepparttar 127050 Gospels and New Testament with ideas on how to choose appropriate passages to make your wedding special.

© 2000, 2001, Deborah Spence and This article is offered to you free of charge, and you have permission to print it out to aid you in your ceremony preparations. Reproducing and selling this article for profit, however, is a copyright infringement and is not allowed.

Deborah Spence holds a Master's Degree in Sacred Music and has been involved with weddings for more than 20 years. As a church music director, she's been actively associated with the ceremonial side of weddings in a variety of settings.

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