Beyond SMART Goals

Written by Myrtis Smith

Continued from page 1

6. Identify potential obstacles. What are things, that you know, right now, could hold you back from reaching your goal? Maybe you spend a lot of time playing computer games when your time would be better spent doing research for your new business; deleterepparttar games.

7. Identify a single daily action. What isrepparttar 123939 one thing you could do every day, that will help propel you towards your goal? Take a 15 minute walk? Make a sales call to a potential client? Its notrepparttar 123940 big spectacular events that get us where we need to be. Itsrepparttar 123941 little things we do everyday.

8. Identify a support structure. What people, things or processes can provide you encouragement? You could find 2 or 3 other friends who are trying to lose weight, and have a weekly support meeting. You could post your business plan on your office wall as a constant reminder to what you're working towards.

9. Identify rewards. In order for a goal to be SMART it must be personally rewarding and little rewards alongrepparttar 123942 way will make achieving your goal that much more fun. Maybe every time you lose 10 pounds you buy a new outfit. Maybe once you get your business plan complete you take a day off and go torepparttar 123943 park. We all know what they say about all work and no play; remember to enjoyrepparttar 123944 journey.

10. What's next? This is not "what are you going to do after you accomplish your goal?" This is "what are you going to do after you read this article?" The journey to achievement starts now, not tomorrow.

Myrtis Smith is a personal coach. She works with people who are undergoing a career change. Sign up for her free newsletter Change Now! at or send an email to Premeditated Life .......because life doesn't just happen!


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Continued from page 1

If we embracerepparttar inevitable, we take control. If we fight it, we lose. No matter how much we whine, cry, or lament, our marriage will not go back torepparttar 123938 honeymoon, and our loved one will not return. Why not takerepparttar 123939 punch out of tragedy by looking at it squarely inrepparttar 123940 eye and makingrepparttar 123941 statement that this is our life, and while we don’t call allrepparttar 123942 shots, we can and we will prevail.

As children, someone else isrepparttar 123943 buffer between us and reality. They are there to explain, correct and to pick uprepparttar 123944 pieces. As teenagers, our need for someone else to be there changes and we take on more responsibility. We become accountable for our actions and we sufferrepparttar 123945 consequences or bask inrepparttar 123946 glory. Then comes adulthood -repparttar 123947 time when we are totally in control or should be and we buffer others from what life sends.

Upon our golden years, we have been there and have done all that is required to reach this pivotal point. We were protected, we didrepparttar 123948 protecting, and now we stand ready to step into that part of our life that gives us an opportunity to remember our past, live in our present, and plan for our future.

Wherever we are in life’s seasons, we should welcome it and learn all we can. We should brush ourselves off and look towardrepparttar 123949 sky. If we just lie there, someone will have to walk over us, around us, or push us aside. They are on their journey in life, and we are inrepparttar 123950 way. When we hitrepparttar 123951 ground because of some unfortunate happenings, rememberrepparttar 123952 old adage - God made dirt, so dirt don’t hurt. Take a moment to feel your emotions, take account of your feelings, and look inrepparttar 123953 past for clues, and inrepparttar 123954 future for remedies.

Let’s all take a lesson from nature. If you can’t fight it, or change it, conquer itrepparttar 123955 best way you can. Stand tall and walk intorepparttar 123956 sunshine. The winds of change will chase awayrepparttar 123957 clouds andrepparttar 123958 sun will shine. We can be ready for that next season, that next storm, that next happening in life. We are who we are, and therefore, we arerepparttar 123959 best at being us. No one can ever even attempt to be who we are, let alone live our life.

When you haverepparttar 123960 chance or opportunity, listen to a loon - you will carry that sound with you forever.

©Arleen M. Kaptur 2002

Author of numerous articles, e-books. Website:

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