BetaBoom - A New Online Auction and Small Business Networking Website

Written by Lynn Taylor

Continued from page 1
Betaboom features aspiring models and musicians. “We want to use our steadily growing web traffic to help others, and we hope to entertain our visitors,” said Marilyn Jones, Vice President of BetaBoom’s Marketing Department. According to customer Dale Cameron, Betaboom is a very user friendly site with a lot to offer. Dale said, “It took only 3 minutes to register, and posting an item to sell was just as fast! They have perfectedrepparttar auction experience, and I plan to use their site on a regular basis to supplement my income.”

Lynn Taylor is a news writer and copy editor for 'Web Eye' and 'Auction Times' and she freelances on various projects.

Mystery Solved! Getting Your Infoproduct Business Online

Written by Jeff Smith

Continued from page 1

They all take something - Paypal is low, below 2%, while Clickbank is high at over 7% - but each package has it's value in additional services/features.

My suggestion is:

Use Clickbank for those starting out. Simply because it hasrepparttar most features in one service you will find.

When you begin to get into high volumes, then saving a few percentage points per sale becoms ALLOT of money, that's when you would move away from Clickbank to Paysystems, 2 and put a front end system such as 1AuthorizeNet onrepparttar 124882 front end.

Step 4 Uploading my web pages and eBook

You will need a way to get your .html files and other website and digital product files up to your webhost - it's not tough, but you will need a tool to dorepparttar 124883 upload.

Now - many webhosts do offer a "File Manager" option as part of their user tools when you signup for an account.

However - you will want a separate program for transferring files - called a File Transfer Protocol program.

By far and awayrepparttar 124884 best value is a program called WS-FTP. You will find a no-charge trial version at -repparttar 124885 paid version is quite reasonable at less than $40.

Step 5 Pick and Autoresponder

You MUST, MUST, MUST have an autoresponder to help automate your online business.

The small investment you will make serves as a virtual sales force of thousands continually calling on your prospects day after day, week after week until they buy.

Your autoresponder automates signups, list administration, sending out a series of scheduled messages, 1-time broadcasts, unsubscribes, and backups.

Here's 5 ways you should be using autoresponders to triple your profits --

a) 4-7 Part Minicourse gives you multiple exposures of your products b) Post-sales follow-up series, thank you, survey and back-end product sales c) Broadcast ezine, newsletter or announcement at least bi-weekly d) Affiliate training and tools message sequence e) Article postings. Many article submission directories require that your article be available on-demand from an autresponder address

You have a few choices when selecting an autoresponder service, after years of trying various options, I've foundrepparttar 124886 best service to be this one:

Step 6 Setting Up Your Affiliate Program

OK - some may say this is NOT mandatory to run your own successful online infoproduct marketing business.

What I say is that you are missingrepparttar 124887 boat if you don't setup your own affiliate program - assuming you are marketing your own products.

With over 600 affiliates, I now have a global, 24X7, dedicated and highly effective sales force that put my product in front of millions of eyeballs - all without me lifting a finger.

If you want this type of action - then you will need to run your own affiliate program.

One way of doing it is to use Clickbank as your payment processor - they offer an affiliate management program as part of their payment processing package. There are some drawbacks including lack of statistics, and issues with handling multiple products sold from multiple pages, but for someone starting out they are OK.

A second option is using separate affiliate tracking software - my favorites are either Groundbreak's Ultimate Affiliate ( or 1AutomationWiz at: (

There you have it.

6 basic steps sit between you and turning your desire for making money online into a reality.

Don't let these steps get in your way -repparttar 124888 world needs to see your products!

--------------------------------------------------------- How To Create and Market Income-Generating Information Products - 5 Experts Share Their Trade Secrets Inrepparttar 124889 Ultimate Teleseminar! Find Out How 5 Online Experts Make Their Living Creating And Marketing Information Products

Jeff Smith is the author of the top-selling "Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package" helping thousands package their knowledge into profitable eBooks, special reports, ezines and audios. Visit his site here:

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