Best Trees for Growing in Lawns

Written by Thomas Ogren

Continued from page 1
5.Crabapple ‘Dolgo, Malus ‘dolgo,’ Zones 3-9, Pink buds open to fragrant, white flowers in late spring. Glossy, dark green foliage turns yellow inrepparttar fall and has good disease resistance. Large, almost florescent, bright red fruit ripening in early summer is excellent for crabapple jelly. A hardy tree with a spreading, upright and open habit. Does well in bluegrass lawns. 6.Crabapple ‘Red Splendour.’ Malus species, Zones 3-8. Greenish-red leaves with rose-pink flowers. Small red fruit stays onrepparttar 113428 tree well in torepparttar 113429 winter. Good resistance to disease. An upright growing smaller crabapple tree, good in lawns. 7.Crabapple ‘Snowcloud,’ Zones 4-8, profuse double white flowers, mostly pollen-free and fruitless, bright green leaves, smaller tree, to 20 feet tall. Good in lawns. 8.Crabapple ‘Sugar Tyme,’ Pale pink buds open to fragrant, showy white blossoms that coverrepparttar 113430 tree in spring. A bounty of small, persistent, bright red fruit are produced inrepparttar 113431 fall and attract birds. This vigorous tree has crisp, dark green leaves and an upright, oval habit. One ofrepparttar 113432 most disease resistant flowering crabapples. Good in lawns. To 20 feet tall. 9.Flowering plum: Prunus species, zones 4-10, a pretty, easy to grow tree, loses its leaves in fall, flowers inrepparttar 113433 spring, grows fast and likes frequent irrigations, as in a lawn. Shade is not dense. 10.Apricot trees, Prunus species, Zones 4-10: attractive, loses its leaves in fall, easy to grow in western areas, blossoms smell great, andrepparttar 113434 fruit is good. Should be pruned so that it is not difficult to mow under. Does not cast a dense shade. Good fall color too. 11.Fuyu persimmon trees, Diospyros kaki, Zones 4-10: slow growing, very attractive bark and leaves, shade not dense, fruit is beautiful, sweet and excellent, tree is female and pollen-free. Incredible fall color. 12.Pineapple Guava tree, Feijoa sellowiana, Zones 8-10, small evergreen tree. Best grown as a multi-trunked tree, to 18’ tall, gray-green attractive leaves, white-red flowers, sweet green fruit. With agerepparttar 113435 tree becomes more and more attractive,repparttar 113436 bark ever more interesting. 13.Honeylocust trees, Gleditsia triacanthos, all Zones, a nice, medium-sized shade tree. Loses its leaves in fall, grows well in lawns, and does not cast a deep grass killing type of shade. 14.Variegated Box Elder, Acer negundo ‘Variegata’, an attractive, smaller three-leafed maple tree, with beautiful variegated green and white leaves. Deciduous, female and pollen-free, easy to grow, and does well in lawns. Shade not dense. 15.Fringe tree, Chionanthus virginicus, Zones 5-10. If you can find one that has small black fruits on it, then it is a pollen-free female tree, a much desired lawn tree. Roots go down and stay down, foliage is very attractive, leaves lost in winter, attractive, lightly fragrant bright white flowers, grows well in lawns. Shade not dense. 16.Sourwood tree, Nyssa sylvatica, Zones 4-9. A small to medium-sized lawn tree, deciduous, excellent fall color. Female sourwood trees are pollen free; look forrepparttar 113437 exceptional cultivar called ‘Miss Scarlet,’ which has no pollen, terrific red fall color, and has attractive small ornamental blue fruit. These trees thrive in acid soils and will not do well with alkaline soil. 17.Japanese Raisin Tree, Hovenia dulcis, Zones 8`-10. The female trees have small, sweet, raisin-like fruit and are pollen-free. Raisin trees have beautiful leaves, are deciduous, grow well in lawns, and do not cast a deep shade. 18.Hardy Rubber Tree, Eucommia ulmoides, best in zones 5-7, is a large shade tree that does not cast deep shade. If you can find a fruiting tree, it will be female and pollen-free too. Roots stay down and tree grows well in bluegrass lawns. 19.Pomegranate tree, Punica granatum, Zones 7-10, makes a beautiful, small lawn tree if grown as either a single-trunked tree, or as a three-trunked tree. Pomegranate thrives where summer heat is high. Loses its leaves in fall, bright yellow fall color, shade not dense, attractive orange flowers and red fruit. Will grow well in a fescue, Bermudagrass, or St Augustine lawn. 20.Bougainvillea, Zones 9-10. Not normally thought of as a tree at all, a bougainvillea can easily be trained into an unusual and quite beautiful small lawn tree. The best way to do this is to pound a strong 8’ metal stake, several feet deep intorepparttar 113438 ground, and then plant three one-gallon bougainvillea plants aroundrepparttar 113439 stake. Trimrepparttar 113440 plants back to one or two ofrepparttar 113441 longest, most vigorous branches, and weave these uprepparttar 113442 stake. It takes about a year to develop this into a tree form. Keeprepparttar 113443 trunk leaf-free and shearrepparttar 113444 top several times a year for a lollypop shape. Best cultivars for this are ‘San Diego Red’ orrepparttar 113445 variegated ‘Raspberry Ice’ bougainvillea. There are some fantastic bougainvillea trees at Disneyland. 21.Quaking Aspen, ‘Pendula,’ Populus tremuloides ‘Pendula’ grows in all Zones. This is a medium-sized, pollen-free, female, weeping aspen tree, very attractive, good fall color, easy to grow, and is fast growing. Doesn’t cast a deep shade and grows well in most lawns. 22. Black Poplar, ‘Theves’ Poplar, Populus nigra ‘Afghanica’ or P. n. ‘thevestina’ is an attractive, medium-sized, tall, narrowly upright shade tree, winter hardy in all zones. ‘Theves’ Poplar is female, pollen-free, and has bright yellow fall color. Good in lawns where a narrow tree is needed. 23.‘Noreaster’ Poplar, Populus ‘Noreaster’ is a good, larger shade tree for lawns. ‘Noreaster’ is a sterile female tree, so no seeds and no pollen. Does well in most bluegrass lawns and is winter hardy in evenrepparttar 113446 coldest zones. 24.Japanese Paper Mulberry trees, Broussonetia kazinoki, are separate sexed and if you can find a fruiting tree, it will be pollen-free. These do not cast deep shade like most ofrepparttar 113447 other mulberry species and will thrive in lawns in most cool areas. Winter hardy zones in 5-9. Paperbark maple, Acer griseum, Zones 4-8. This small to medium-sized maple tree has exceptionally beautiful bark and is totally handsome at all times ofrepparttar 113448 year. Paperbark maple doesn’t cast a deep shade and lawn will grow quite well underneath it. Best in soils that are well drained and slightly acidic.

Thomas Ogren is the author of Allergy-Free Gardening, Ten Speed Press. Tom does consulting work on for the USDA, county asthma coalitions, and the American Lung Associations. He has appeared on CBS, HGTV and The Discovery Channel. His book, Safe Sex in the Garden, was published 2003. In 2004 Time Warner Books published his latest: What the Experts May NOT Tell You About: Growing the Perfect Lawn. His website:

Composting and Soil Improvements

Written by David Selman,

Continued from page 1

Compost is a dark-colored, loose mixture of well-rotted organic matter that can be used byrepparttar gardener to improve garden or potting soil. Any organic matter such as garden waste is a good ingredient for compost. If soil is hard and crusty when dry or sticky when wet, vegetables do not grow properly. Good garden soil is loose, has high water-holding capacity and proper drainage. Put your compost pile in a well-drained area. A shady spot or a place behind bushes will shieldrepparttar 113427 heap from view.

It is possible to accumulate materials in a loose pile but it is better to have an enclosure forrepparttar 113428 compost. This could be a pit dug 18 inches intorepparttar 113429 ground of any length and width or an above-ground structure. Either type of structure should be divided with a partition. One side can be used for composting material andrepparttar 113430 other for usable compost.

A rectangular pile 2 to 5 feet wide, 5 to 10 feet long and 2 to 4 feet high is adequate for most households. If space is not available, a single, tall pile can be used. Fresh material is added atrepparttar 113431 top and finished compost dug out atrepparttar 113432 bottom.

Build your compost pile in layers. First add 6 to 8 inches of garden refuse. Each layer of this organic material should be moistened. A little lime also may added to helprepparttar 113433 process and keep new soil from packing. Add 1 to 2 inches of soil. Repeat this process as composting material is available.

The top layer should be lower inrepparttar 113434 center to help collect moisture. Water may have to be added during dry weather to keeprepparttar 113435 pile going. Compost materials should be moist but not saturated.

Turnrepparttar 113436 pile with a garden fork a couple of times a month to hasten composting. In about a monthrepparttar 113437 pile should be hot inrepparttar 113438 center indicating it is decomposing properly. If this doesn't happen,repparttar 113439 pile may be too wet or too small. Fertilizer or more frequent turnings could be needed. A well-maintained, active pile will not attract rodents. When adding food scraps, bury them inrepparttar 113440 center ofrepparttar 113441 pile.

Soil that is ready for use from a compost is dark, loose and has an "earthy" smell. Most organic materials should compost in 4-8 months.

Article By: Tracker Outdoors


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