Benfotiamine - A New Tool In Preventing Diabetic Complications?

Written by Zach Malott

Continued from page 1

Many researchers, medical experts, doctors, podiatrists and many medical publishers recommend benfotiamine for neuropathy, retinopathy nephropathy, heart/circulatory complications and B1 deficiencies. Any in depth study onrepparttar web will produce physicians, naturopaths, neurologists, optometrists, chiropractors, etc. who have very positive feelings aboutrepparttar 114092 effectiveness and potential of benfotiamine in terms ofrepparttar 114093 research done to date on this important tool inrepparttar 114094 arsenal against neuropathy, retinopathy and beneficial forrepparttar 114095 heart and circulatory system. We have professional healthcare providers from all of these disciplines which showsrepparttar 114096 confidencerepparttar 114097 medical community has inrepparttar 114098 purity and bioavailability of our benfotiamine product.

Dr. David Williams, publisher of “Alternatives Newsletter”, wrote an in depth article concerning benfotiamine in his May, 2004 issue. This article is an eye opener in terms of how effective benfotiamine can be for many health conditions. If possible, it would be beneficial for any interested reader to take a look at this article.

Dr Paul Chous is another medical professional who seesrepparttar 114099 merits of benfotiamine: "I suspect strongly that benfotiamine will mitigate (or, hopefully, prevent) DRT in humans, butrepparttar 114100 burden of proof has not yet been met. The case for symptomatic relief of neuropathy symptoms is, of course, more tangible."

In conclusion,repparttar 114101 consensus for benfotiamine is very positive and are worth investigating. If you or anyone you know is a diabetic,repparttar 114102 great possibility of developing diabetic complications over time makes benfotiamine a viable tool inrepparttar 114103 arsenal for protection. If they are already experiencing complications such as neuropathy, retinopathy, and others, they will benefit from possible reduction inrepparttar 114104 progression along with pain relief in terms of peripheral neuropathy and other neuropathies.

Zachary B. Malott, CEO

Brentwood Health International


An Overview of The Social Security Disability Claims Process

Written by SS Home

Continued from page 1

If you are unsuccessful atrepparttar hearing stage, you can appeal torepparttar 114091 Appeals Council. The Appeals Council is a single body located in Falls Church, Virginia, that will reviewrepparttar 114092 administrative judge’s decision if you are unsuccessful. The Appeals Council only reviewsrepparttar 114093 judge’s decision and does not hear arguments fromrepparttar 114094 claimant or claimant’s attorney.

Ifrepparttar 114095 claimant is rejected byrepparttar 114096 Appeals Council, you can take your case torepparttar 114097 federal courts. First you would file in a United States District Court, but you could potentially appeal allrepparttar 114098 way up torepparttar 114099 United States Supreme Court. It’s important to remember thatrepparttar 114100 United States District Court appeal isrepparttar 114101 first appeal that is handled outsiderepparttar 114102 Social Security bureaucracy.

As detailed above,repparttar 114103 Social Security Disability claims process is complicated, tedious, and time consuming. As with any difficult scenario, it is helpful to have experience on your side, and that’s exactly what we offer. An experienced attorney can help you navigate Social Security’s bureaucratic maze and save you time and heartache.

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