Benefits of Physical Activity

Written by Gary Gresham

Continued from page 1
Take an activity break; get up and stretch, walk around and give your mind and muscles a chance to relax. Instead of eatingrepparttar extra snack, take a brisk walk aroundrepparttar 143230 neighborhood. Mow your own lawn. Go dancing instead of seeing a movie. Take a walk after dinner instead of watching TV. The key to success is choosing physical activities that you enjoy and you do have many choices. Even moderate levels of exercise have important health benefits. If you have a family, encourage them to join you and make it a fun thing to do together. Building healthy habits when children are young will make them more likely to be active, healthy adults. Whatever your age,repparttar 143231 benefits of physical activity and regular exercise can become a good health habit with many lifelong benefits.

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This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

Why Buy A Treadmill?

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Continued from page 1

Getrepparttar body you've always wanted:

It's a fact: when it's convenient you'll exercise more. Which means you haverepparttar 143074 power to getrepparttar 143075 kind of body you've always wanted. Tighten those buns, tone those abs, say 'good bye' to that spare tire and 'hello' to a tiny waist with your own treadmill.

No more boredom:

How many times have you gone torepparttar 143076 gym and been bored out of your mind within 10 minutes of your workout? With a home treadmill you can set it up in front of your tv and watch your favorite shows or movies.

Before you know it you'll have gone farther than you even realized - and burned more calories too. That means a better body in less time.

A simple way to exercise for those of us who aren't gym bunnies:

If you're not a muscle bound, 0% body fat gym bunny, a home treadmill is a simple, easy way to lose weight and stay in shape. Treadmills are easy to use and simple to work for anyone, regardless of fitness level.

These are just a few benefits of owning your own home treadmill. Chances are you have your own reasons for wanting one.

Regardless, if you decide to buy a treadmill for your home, you're probably wondering exactly what to look for. Visit for more on how to spotrepparttar 143077 perfect treadmill for you.

Good luck and have fun!

Kathryn O'Neill is a nutrition specialist and contributing writer for Buying A Treadmill

For more information on how to choose the best treadmill for you visit

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