Beluga Whale Hits the River

Written by Laurie E. Smith

Continued from page 1

Whether you call them epiphanies, hitting rock bottom or great awakenings, our detours, however painful, give our lives their character. Sometimes wrong turns can be great adventures, giving us clarity and new ideas. Often, they give usrepparttar opportunity to shed our skins and begin anew, a surprising benefit freshwater has on beluga whales, experts say. Occasionally, they take us to places more incredible than our wildest dreams, just by "accident."

So, I say torepparttar 105676 Beluga, whatever your reason for being here, be it a personal adventure, wrong turn, or perhaps even a blessing to those like me who needed to look at their surroundings a bit differently—-follow your soul home, my friend.

May you be safe, well, and enriched somehow by being one ofrepparttar 105677 few—if notrepparttar 105678 only—of your kind to have ever traveled these waters.

Laurie Smith is an inspirational writer and workshop facilitator. She speaks at schools, organizations and corporations to kids and adults on creating the lives of their dreams. To read more articles like this, check out her blog at

Finding Your Life Purpose

Written by Jo Ball

Continued from page 1

Understand you came to this earth withrepparttar purpose to discover your true identity and thatrepparttar 105675 experiences you have had so far have been pre-sent to help you discover that. Remember times when you’ve been told you can’t do something because of education, religious or parenting boundaries. Rememberrepparttar 105676 things you did that made your heart sing. Remember that these things holdrepparttar 105677 key to your self-discovery and your true desire and purpose. Maybe you know immediately what your gift is, maybe you don’t have a clue… which ever, read on.

Whether you’re immediately aware of your true talent or not, I know you getrepparttar 105678 sense that you are here for a purpose. And I know you will also understand that when you use that gift forrepparttar 105679 greater good you will feel happier, more fulfilled and more greatly rewarded than ever before. Living your life purpose you’ll want to get up earlier, stay up later and you’ll lose all track of time. You will literally move into timeless awareness, so absorbed and excited by what you create. And one more thing.

The rewards you get can be limitless.

Jo Ball is a Life Purpose Coach. She’d love you to join up to her free monthly newsletter full of ideas, tips and stories on living life on purpose. What’s more when you join the fast growing readership she’ll send you a free e-book, Greater Steps to Happiness as a thank you gift. Join Jo now at

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