Belly Dancing for the Midlife Soul

Written by Sandra Schrift

Continued from page 1

I always tell them to love their belly...besides it isrepparttar only one they have! Eventuallyrepparttar 123068 women move towards greater self- acceptance and confidence. They learn to be empathic in response torepparttar 123069 energetic music. They learn to lead, to follow and to let go.

Belly Dance is improvisational. There are basic moves to repparttar 123070 dance, but once learnedrepparttar 123071 dance becomes a personal expression ofrepparttar 123072 dancer. Characteristic of today's dance are movements ofrepparttar 123073 pelvis and undulations ofrepparttar 123074 body. These movements are not socially taught in our culture. Instead, there are restrictions placed onrepparttar 123075 movement of certain body parts and how much they may be moved. Belly dance breaks through those barriers, freeing uprepparttar 123076 body so women can fully express their feminine self.

Dance is a metaphor for life. In dance, we move through time and space, just as we do while we live outrepparttar 123077 passage of our lives. The belly dance is truly a unification of body, heart and mind. It's also fun to get dressed up in a "costume", exercise our hips and our belly, and do this in a non-threatening atmosphere of acceptance of our female sensuality.

And finally,repparttar 123078 belly dance helps women to return to where life begins, our primordial womb. What a wonderful way to findrepparttar 123079 connection between our heart and soul andrepparttar 123080 expression of our body.

For more information and to enroll inrepparttar 123081 class, contact: Sandra Schrift (teacher) 619-688-9467

Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to "grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work with business professionals and organizations who want to master their presentations. Get more speaking skills at our "Summer Sizzle" webpage: Join my free bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine

Setting Flexible Goals

Written by Ke o agile

Continued from page 1

Remember, each sub-goal must be flexible enough to respond adequately torepparttar requirements ofrepparttar 123067 shifting conidtions.

You don't want to throw your hands inrepparttar 123068 air in desperation because your plans and goals have been derailed, do you?

Well,repparttar 123069 'Kaizen of Goal Setting' is about knowingrepparttar 123070 difference betweenrepparttar 123071 old andrepparttar 123072 new, and applying it to your goal setting.

Ke o agile is an NLP Coach and publisher of In TheZone (, an NLP focused ezine for capacity builders in the personal and professional skills development areas

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