Believe That You Deserve To Be Wealthy

Written by Stuart Goldsmith

Continued from page 1

Let me apologize in advance if you find this a little heavy. It is my sincere wish that you read this article and stay with me. Later articles are far easier.

The teachings I produce in order to help people have a better life aren't merely plucked fromrepparttar air, randomly. My views are based on a solid, 'fromrepparttar 123616 ground up' philosophy of life - a thing which few people have in our compromise age of mixed economies.

It is a powerful thing to have a coherent philosophy of life. Without this, you react to life's events with a series of random, mood ofrepparttar 123617 moment responses which are often contradictory and self-defeating. You pick emotions and opinions from an array of ill-considered viewpoints and hand-me-down beliefs.

In contrast, a coherent philosophy empowers you. The correct thing to do in all situations becomes obvious - it is merely a question of being strong enough to do it, which is not always so easy!

No thief, no con-man, no criminal will ever come close to stealingrepparttar 123618 amount of wealth taken from you by force due to bad philosophy. I am, of course, talking about state theft of your life efforts. If you do not believe such theft is wrong, your wealth-generating efforts are doomed.

============================================================ Stuart Goldsmith is co-author with direct mail legend Ted Nicholas of The Golden Mailbox Correspondence Course. In his startling FREE action guide "Double Your Way To A Million", Stuart shows how you can change nothing into $1,310,720 using your wit, imagination and your natural abilities. Get your free copy now at ============================================================

Stuart Goldsmith is one of Europe's most respected direct marketers. He is internationally known for helping thousands of ordinary people get out of debt and achieve financial independence through his Inner Circle club. He is also co-author with direct mail legend Ted Nicholas of The Golden Mailbox correspondence course, and Gary Halbert recently called him the "second greatest copywriter in the world".

Changing Fear into Excitement

Written by Ted Schredd

Continued from page 1
If you say no to snorkeling inrepparttar ocean because you’re scared of sharks or sea monsters, you’rerepparttar 123615 one who loses. You will never seerepparttar 123616 magic ofrepparttar 123617 underwater world. Yes, there is that chance that a water monster might go for a snack while you’re splashing around, butrepparttar 123618 chances are so slim. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning or winning an Olympic gold medal. Thousands if not millions of people have been inrepparttar 123619 ocean and survived. Why would you be singled out for tragedy? You will never be able to remove every potential danger, but you can diminishrepparttar 123620 threat by followingrepparttar 123621 golden rule of adventure: safety first. If there’s a way to lowerrepparttar 123622 risk factor, do it. If there’s protective gear, wear it. If there’s a need for common sense, then use it. Takerepparttar 123623 proper steps to ensure your safety. Do you need a life jacket, a helmet or special training before you try this activity? What about learning from a professional? Yes, every year, a few people die while they’re out having fun, but often that’s because they haven’t been smart about safety precautions. So be smart. Dying because of stupidity makes you stupid and dead. And being both dead AND stupid is definitely embarrassing. Avoid at all costs. Let’s say you want to go kayaking. Kayaking is a much more enjoyable experience if you know how to swim and how to self-rescue. Learning to minimizerepparttar 123624 danger of any activity will help you facerepparttar 123625 world. The more you understand something,repparttar 123626 less you will fear it. The more people you meet who are doing that activity,repparttar 123627 more confidence you’ll have in saying, “They’re no better than me-I can do this!” You may find that this activity you’ve perceived as treacherous isn’t that dangerous after all. So you’ve gained some knowledge and you’ve made arrangements for a safe experience, but you’re still too scared to get onrepparttar 123628 roller coaster or get out onrepparttar 123629 dance floor. Then turn your fear into excitement. Feelrepparttar 123630 fear and do it anyway. Be thankful that you have this highly tuned system that recognizes danger and lets your senses sharpen. Let it send tingles torepparttar 123631 tips of your toes and enjoyrepparttar 123632 burst of energy. Fear will multiply your excitement sensations. You may be scared now, but when you come outrepparttar 123633 other side, you will feel fantastic, confident, proud and reliving your wonderful adventure. Another positive twist on being scared is thatrepparttar 123634 more scared you are,repparttar 123635 more intense your pleasure will be during and after your fun activity. Most of your fears are imagined and should be treated as imaginary. Learn to distinguishrepparttar 123636 fears that are valid and those that are not. The next time you feel scared, challenge your fear andrepparttar 123637 thing you fear will disappear. Ask yourself, “What would I do if I wasn’t feeling fear?” then act accordingly. When you confront your fears, astonishing things will happen. Remember you arerepparttar 123638 master and you are in control. Each time you challenge your fears, you add another brick to a solid foundation for happiness. Each tiny little fear that you face and conquer will give you courage against all your other fears. If you’re unable to take control of your fears or have some kind of panic disorder, go and seek professional help. Moving past unreasonable fears will give you astonishing amounts of self-respect, confidence and satisfaction. Use courage and knowledge to assist you in your journey. If there is a fun activity that you want to try but are afraid, make a plan to conquer your fears. Investigate it, take some lessons, learn what you can, turn your fear into excitement, pretend to be brave and then go for it. Who runs your life, unfounded fears or wonderful you?

Ted Schredd has been a fun researcher for fifteen years. He has been featured on radio, television, and print articles across Canada. This article is an excerpt from his latest book “Gramma Knows the F Word” How adults can discover more fun in their lives. His books are available at or

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